Amend CSHB 2161 (house committee printing) by striking all 
below the enacting clause and substituting the following:
	SECTION 1.  Section 501.015(a), Government Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	(a)  When an inmate is discharged or is released on parole, 
mandatory supervision, or conditional pardon, the department
[institutional division] shall provide the inmate with:
		(1)  suitable civilian clothing;                                              
		(2)  money held in the inmate's trust account by the 
director; [and]
		(3)  cash, in an amount and in the manner described by 
Subsection (b); and
		(4)  a personal identification certificate obtained 
under Section 501.0165, if available.
	SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 501, Government Code, is 
amended by adding Section 501.0165 to read as follows:
DOCUMENTATION.  (a)  Before discharging an inmate or releasing an 
inmate on parole, mandatory supervision, or conditional pardon, the 
department shall:
		(1)  determine whether the inmate has:                                 
			(A)  a valid license issued under Chapter 521 or 
522, Transportation Code; or
			(B)  a valid personal identification certificate 
issued under Chapter 521, Transportation Code; and
		(2)  if the inmate does not have a valid license or 
certificate described by Subdivision (1), submit to the Department 
of Public Safety on behalf of the inmate a request for the issuance 
of a personal identification certificate under Chapter 521, 
Transportation Code.
	(b)  The department shall submit a request under Subsection 
(a)(2) as soon as is practicable to enable the department to provide 
the inmate with the personal identification certificate when the 
department discharges or releases the inmate.
	(c)  The department, the Department of Public Safety, and the 
bureau of vital statistics of the Department of State Health 
Services shall by rule adopt a memorandum of understanding that 
establishes their respective responsibilities with respect to the 
issuance of a personal identification certificate to an inmate, 
including responsibilities related to verification of the inmate's 
	(d)  The department shall reimburse the Department of Public 
Safety or the Department of State Health Services for any costs 
incurred by those agencies in performing responsibilities 
established under this section.
	(e)  This section does not apply to an inmate who:                      
		(1)  is not legally present in the United States; or                   
		(2)  was not a resident of this state before the person 
was placed in the custody of the department.
	SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.