Amend HB 2169 by adding the following appropriately numbered
SECTIONS to the bill and renumber the subsequent SECTIONS of the
bill accordingly:
SECTION ____. Subsections (a) and (c), Section 29.190,
Education Code, are amended to read, and subsection (e) is added as
(a) A student is entitled to a subsidy under this section
(1) the student:
(A) [(1)] successfully completes the career and
technology program of a school district in which the student
receives training and instruction for employment in a current or
emerging high-demand, high-wage, high-skill [certain trade or]
occupation, as determined under subsection (e); or
(B) is enrolled in a special education program
under Subchapter A;
(2) the student passes a certification examination to
qualify for a license or certificate for the [trade or] occupation;
(3) the student submits to the district a written
application in the form, time, and manner required by the district
for the district to subsidize the cost of an examination described
by Subdivision (2) [demonstrates financial need].
(c) On approval by the commissioner, the agency shall pay
each school district [eligible student] an amount equal to the cost
paid by the district or student for the certification examination.
To obtain reimbursement for a subsidy paid under this section, a
district [student] must:
(1) pay the fee for the examination or pay the student
the amount of the fee paid by the student for the examination; and
(2) submit to the commissioner a written application
on a form prescribed by the commissioner stating [demonstrating
financial need and] the amount of the fee paid under Subdivision (1)
[by the student] for the certification examination.
(e) The commissioner, in collaboration with the
Commissioner of Higher Education and the Workforce Commission,
shall determine as necessary what qualifies for a high demand, high
wage, high need occupation for purposes of this section.
SECTION ____. It is the intent of the legislature that the
passage of S.B. No. 1313, Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular
Session, 2009, with any amendments to Section 21.190, Education
Code, and the amendments by this Act shall be harmonized, if
possible, as provided by Section 311.025(b), so that effect may be
given to each. If amendments made to Section 21.190, Education
Code, made by this Act are irreconcilable, it is the intent of the
legislature that S.B. No. 1313, Acts of the 81st Legislature,
Regular Session, 2009, prevail, regardless of the relative dates of
enactment of this Act and S.B. 1313, Acts of the 81st Legislature,
Regular Session, 2009, but only to the extent that any differences
are irreconcilable.