Amend CSHB 2295 as follows:                                                  
	(1) On page 45, line 16, strike Subsection (h).                                
	(2) On page 45, line 25, strike Subsection (i).                                
	(3) On page 45, line 16, insert the following section:                         
	(h) A final report made available to the public on the 
commission's Internet website may not include the name or street 
address of the homeowner and must indicate:
		(1) whether the builder has resolved the dispute with 
the homeowner by:     
			(A) making repairs substantially equivalent to 
those required by the findings of the final report confirming the 
defect, as confirmed by the homeowner and a third-party inspector 
who has inspected the repairs,
			(B) or has otherwise resolved the dispute with the 
homeowner, or           
		(2) whether the builder has not resolved the dispute 
with the homeowner.  If the builder has not resolved the dispute 
with the homeowner, the report shall indicate whether the builder 
offered to make repairs as recommended by the final report.
	(i) All final reports and all information contained therein 
are public records.