Amend CSHB 2295 as follows:                                                  
	(1) On page 52, line 22, strike "four" and substitute "two".                   
	(2) Insert a new SECTION 63 to read as follows and renumber 
the subsequent sections accordingly:
	SECTION 63. Section 430.001, Property Code, is amended by 
adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
	(b-1) A builder shall assign to the homeowner, without 
recourse, the manufacturer's warranty for all manufactured 
products that are covered by a manufacturer's warranty.  Any rights 
that inure to the homeowner provided under a manufacturer's 
warranty are the obligation of the manufacturer.  The builder does 
not assume any of the obligations of the manufacturer resulting 
from a manufacturer's warranty, but shall coordinate with the 
manufacturer, suppliers or agents to achieve compliance with the 
performance standard.  If the manufacturer does not comply with the 
manufacturer's warranty within a reasonable period of time, the 
builder shall make the affected condition comply with the 
performance standard and shall be subrogated to the homeowner's 
claims against the manufacturer.