Amend the Farabee amendment to CSHB 2295 (house committee 
report), as follows:
	On page 3 line 22 add:                                                         
	(7)  On page 7 line 12 insert "s (a) and" after the first 
"Subsection" and before "(c)"
	On page 7 line 14 before "(c)" insert the following"                           
	(a)  This title does not apply to a home that is:                              
		(1)  built by the individual who owns the home, alone or 
with the assistance of the individual's employees or, independent 
contractors, or building consultant who does not supervise or 
manage the construction of the home; and
		(2)  used by the individual as the individual's primary 
residence for at least one year after the completion or substantial 
completion of construction of the home.