Amend CSHB 2386 (House Committee Report) as follows:                         
	(1)  On page 1, strike lines 5-6 and substitute the 

"adding Subsections (c-1) and (c-2) and amending Subsections (d) 
and (e) to read as follows:"
	(2)  On page 1, between lines 17 and 18, insert the 
	(c-2)  If the court orders the sealing of a child's records 
under Subsection (c-1), a prosecuting attorney or juvenile 
probation department may maintain until the child's 17th birthday a 
separate record of the child's name, date of birth, and date the 
child successfully completed the drug court program.  The 
prosecuting attorney or juvenile probation department, as 
applicable, shall send the record to the court as soon as 
practicable after the child's 17th birthday to be added to the 
child's other sealed records.
	(3)  On page 1, line 21, between "adjudication" and the 
period, insert ", subject to Subsection (e)".
	(4)  On page 1, line 24, between "immediately" and "order" 
insert "and without any additional hearing".
	(5)  On page 2, strike line 2, and substitute the following:                   
	"(e)  The court shall hold a hearing before sealing a 
person's records under Subsection (a) or (c) unless the applicant 
waives the right to a hearing in writing and the court and the 
prosecuting attorney for the juvenile court consent.  Reasonable"
	(6)  Strike page 2, line 13, through page 3, line 18.