Amend CSHB 2752 by adding the following appropriately 
numbered SECTIONS and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill 
	SECTION ____.  Subsection (c), Section 463.153, Insurance 
Code, is amended to read as follows:
	(c)  The total amount of assessments on a member insurer for 
each account under Section 463.105 may not exceed two percent of the 
insurer's average annual premiums on the policies covered by the 
account during the three calendar years preceding the year in which 
the insurer became an impaired or insolvent insurer.  If two or more 
assessments are authorized in a calendar year with respect to 
insurers that become impaired or insolvent in different calendar 
years, the average annual premiums for purposes of the aggregate 
assessment percentage limitation described by this subsection 
shall be equal to the higher of the three-year average annual 
premiums for the applicable subaccount or account as computed in 
accordance with this section.  If the maximum assessment and the 
other assets of the association do not provide in a year an amount 
sufficient to carry out the association's responsibilities, the 
association shall make necessary additional assessments as soon as 
this chapter permits.
	SECTION ____.  Subsection (b), Section 463.203, Insurance 
Code, is amended to read as follows:
	(b)  This chapter does not provide coverage for:                               
		(1)  any part of a policy or contract not guaranteed by 
the insurer or under which the risk is borne by the policy or 
contract owner;
		(2)  a policy or contract of reinsurance, unless an 
assumption certificate has been issued;
		(3)  any part of a policy or contract to the extent that 
the rate of interest on which that part is based:
			(A)  as averaged over the period of four years 
before the date the member insurer becomes impaired or insolvent 
under this chapter, whichever is earlier, exceeds a rate of 
interest determined by subtracting two percentage points from 
Moody's Corporate Bond Yield Average averaged for the same 
four-year period or for a lesser period if the policy or contract 
was issued less than four years before the date the member insurer 
becomes impaired or insolvent under this chapter, whichever is 
earlier; and
			(B)  on and after the date the member insurer 
becomes impaired or insolvent under this chapter, whichever is 
earlier, exceeds the rate of interest determined by subtracting 
three percentage points from Moody's Corporate Bond Yield Average 
as most recently available;
		(4)  a portion of a policy or contract issued to a plan 
or program of an employer, association, similar entity, or other 
person to provide life, health, or annuity benefits to the entity's 
employees, members, or others, to the extent that the plan or 
program is self-funded or uninsured, including benefits payable by 
an employer, association, or similar entity under:
			(A)  a multiple employer welfare arrangement as 
defined by Section 3, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 
1974 (29 U.S.C. Section 1002);
			(B)  a minimum premium group insurance plan;                                 
			(C)  a stop-loss group insurance plan; or                                    
			(D)  an administrative services-only contract;                               
		(5)  any part of a policy or contract to the extent that 
the part provides dividends, experience rating credits, or voting 
rights, or provides that fees or allowances be paid to any person, 
including the policy or contract owner, in connection with the 
service to or administration of the policy or contract;
		(6)  a policy or contract issued in this state by a 
member insurer at a time the insurer was not authorized to issue the 
policy or contract in this state;
		(7)  an unallocated annuity contract issued to or in 
connection with a benefit plan protected under the federal Pension 
Benefit Guaranty Corporation, regardless of whether the Pension 
Benefit Guaranty Corporation has not yet become liable to make any 
payments with respect to the benefit plan;
		(8)  any part of an unallocated annuity contract that 
is not issued to or in connection with a specific employee, a 
benefit plan for a union or association of individuals, or a 
governmental lottery;
		(9)  any part of a financial guarantee, funding 
agreement, or guaranteed investment contract that:
			(A)  does not contain a mortality guarantee; and                             
			(B)  is not issued to or in connection with a 
specific employee, a benefit plan, or a governmental lottery;
		(10)  a part of a policy or contract to the extent that 
the assessments required by Subchapter D with respect to the policy 
or contract are preempted by federal or state law;
		(11)  a contractual agreement that established the 
member insurer's obligations to provide a book value accounting 
guaranty for defined contribution benefit plan participants by 
reference to a portfolio of assets that is owned by the benefit plan 
or the plan's trustee in a case in which neither the benefit plan 
sponsor nor its trustee is an affiliate of the member insurer; [or]
		(12)  a part of a policy or contract to the extent the 
policy or contract provides for interest or other changes in value 
that are to be determined by the use of an index or external 
reference stated in the policy or contract, but that have not been 
credited to the policy or contract, or as to which the policy or 
contract owner's rights are subject to forfeiture, as of the date 
the member insurer becomes an impaired or insolvent insurer under 
this chapter, whichever date is earlier, subject to Subsection (c); 
		(13)  a policy or contract providing any hospital, 
medical, prescription drug, or other health care benefits under 
Part C or Part D, Subchapter XVIII, Chapter 7, Title 42, United 
States Code (Medicare Part C or Part D) or any regulations issued 
under those parts.
	SECTION ____.  Section 463.204, Insurance Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	Sec. 463.204.  OBLIGATIONS EXCLUDED.  A contractual 
obligation does not include:
		(1)  death benefits in an amount in excess of $300,000 
or a net cash surrender or net cash withdrawal value in an amount in 
excess of $100,000 under one or more policies on a single life;
		(2)  an amount in excess of:                                                  
			(A)  $250,000 [$100,000] in the present value 
under one or more annuity contracts issued with respect to a single 
life under individual annuity policies or group annuity policies; 
			(B)  $5 million in unallocated annuity contract 
benefits with respect to a single contract owner regardless of the 
number of those contracts;
		(3)  an amount in excess of the following amounts, 
including any net cash surrender or cash withdrawal values, under 
one or more accident, health, accident and health, or long-term 
care insurance policies on a single life:
			(A)  $500,000 for basic hospital, 
medical-surgical, or major medical insurance, as those terms are 
defined by this code or rules adopted by the commissioner;
			(B)  $300,000 for disability and long-term care 
insurance, as those terms are defined by this code or rules adopted 
by the commissioner; or
			(C)  $200,000 for coverages that are not defined 
as basic hospital, medical-surgical, major medical, disability, or 
long-term care insurance;
		(4)  an amount in excess of $250,000 [$100,000] in 
present value annuity benefits, in the aggregate, including any net 
cash surrender and net cash withdrawal values, with respect to each 
individual participating in a governmental retirement benefit plan 
established under Section 401, 403(b), or 457, Internal Revenue 
Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Sections 401, 403(b), and 457), covered by 
an unallocated annuity contract or the beneficiary or beneficiaries 
of the individual if the individual is deceased;
		(5)  an amount in excess of $250,000 [$100,000] in 
present value annuity benefits, in the aggregate, including any net 
cash surrender and net cash withdrawal values, with respect to each 
payee of a structured settlement annuity or the beneficiary or 
beneficiaries of the payee if the payee is deceased;
		(6)  aggregate benefits in an amount in excess of 
$300,000 with respect to a single life, except with respect to:
			(A)  benefits paid under basic hospital, 
medical-surgical, or major medical insurance policies, described 
by Subdivision (3)(A), in which case the aggregate benefits are 
$500,000; and
			(B)  benefits paid to one owner of multiple 
nongroup policies of life insurance, whether the policy owner is an 
individual, firm, corporation, or other person, and whether the 
persons insured are officers, managers, employees, or other 
persons, in which case the maximum benefits are $5 million 
regardless of the number of policies and contracts held by the 
		(7)  an amount in excess of $5 million in benefits, with 
respect to either one plan sponsor whose plans own directly or in 
trust one or more unallocated annuity contracts not included in 
Subdivision (4) irrespective of the number of contracts with 
respect to the contract owner or plan sponsor or one contract owner 
provided coverage under Section 463.201(a)(3)(B), except that, if 
one or more unallocated annuity contracts are covered contracts 
under this chapter and are owned by a trust or other entity for the 
benefit of two or more plan sponsors, coverage shall be afforded by 
the association if the largest interest in the trust or entity 
owning the contract or contracts is held by a plan sponsor whose 
principal place of business is in this state, and in no event shall 
the association be obligated to cover more than $5 million in 
benefits with respect to all these unallocated contracts;
		(8)  any contractual obligations of the insolvent or 
impaired insurer under a covered policy or contract that do not 
materially affect the economic value of economic benefits of the 
covered policy or contract; or
		(9)  punitive, exemplary, extracontractual, or bad 
faith damages, regardless of whether the damages are:
			(A)  agreed to or assumed by an insurer or 
insured; or                     
			(B)  imposed by a court.                                                     
	SECTION ____.  Subsection (b), Section 463.263, Insurance 
Code, is amended to read as follows:
	(b)  The association is entitled to retain a portion of any 
amount paid to the association under this section equal to the 
percentage determined by dividing the aggregate amount of policy 
owners' claims related to that insolvency for which the association 
has provided statutory benefits by the aggregate amount of all 
policy owners' claims in this state related to that insolvency, and 
shall remit to the domiciliary receiver the amount paid to the 
association less the amount [and] retained under this section.
	SECTION ____.  Chapter 463, Insurance Code, is amended by 
adding Subchapter K to read as follows:
Sec. 463.501. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Election date" means the date on which the association elects to make an assumption under Section 463.503. (2) "Order of liquidation" means an order described by Section 443.151. Sec. 463.502. APPLICABILITY. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, this subchapter does not alter or modify the terms and conditions of any reinsurance contract. (b) This subchapter does not: (1) abrogate or limit any right of a reinsurer to claim that the reinsurer is entitled to rescind a reinsurance contract; (2) give a policyholder or beneficiary an independent cause of action against a reinsurer that is not otherwise set forth in the reinsurance contract; (3) limit or affect the association's rights as a creditor of the estate against the assets of the estate; or (4) apply to reinsurance agreements covering property or casualty risks. Sec. 463.503. ASSUMPTION BY ASSOCIATION OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF CEDING MEMBER INSURER. (a) Not later than the 180th day after the date of the order of liquidation, the association may elect to succeed to the rights and obligations of the ceding member insurer that relate to policies or annuities covered wholly or partially by the association under one or more reinsurance contracts entered into by the insolvent insurer and the insolvent insurer's reinsurers and selected by the association. An assumption by the association under this subsection takes effect on the date of the order of liquidation. (b) The election under Subsection (a) takes effect when the association, or the National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations on behalf of the association, sends written notice, return receipt requested, to the affected reinsurers. (c) To facilitate the earliest practicable decision about whether to assume any of the reinsurance contracts, and to protect the financial position of the estate, the receiver and each reinsurer of the ceding member insurer shall make available on request to the association, or to the National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations on the association's behalf, as soon as possible after the commencement of formal delinquency proceedings: (1) copies of reinsurance contracts in force, and all related files and records relevant to the determination of whether those contracts should be assumed; and (2) notices of: (A) any defaults under the reinsurance contracts; or (B) any known event or condition that, with the passage of time, could become a default under the reinsurance contracts. Sec. 463.504. ASSOCIATION OBLIGATIONS UNDER REINSURANCE CONTRACTS. (a) With respect to the reinsurance contracts assumed by the association that relate to policies or annuities covered wholly or partially by the association, the association is responsible for all unpaid premiums due under the reinsurance contracts for periods both before and after the date of the order of liquidation and shall be responsible for the performance of all other obligations to be performed after the date of the order of liquidation. (b) The association may charge a policy or annuity covered partially by the association, through reasonable allocation methods, the costs for reinsurance in excess of the association's obligations, and shall provide notice and an accounting of those charges to the liquidator. Sec. 463.505. LOSS PAYMENTS. (a) The association is entitled to any amount payable by the reinsurer under a reinsurance contract with respect to a loss or event that: (1) occurs after the date of the order of liquidation; and (2) relates to a policy or annuity covered wholly or partially by the association. (b) On receipt of an amount described by Subsection (a), the association is obliged to pay to the beneficiary under the affected policy or annuity an amount equal to the lesser of: (1) the amount received by the association under Subsection (a); or (2) the excess of the amount received by the association under Subsection (a) over the amount equal to the benefits paid by the association on account of the policy or annuity, less the retention of the insurer applicable to the loss or event. Sec. 463.506. COMPUTATION OF NET BALANCE. (a) Not later than the 30th day after the election date, the association and each reinsurer under a reinsurance contract assumed by the association shall compute the net balance due to or from the association under the reinsurance contract, as of the election date, with respect to a policy or annuity covered wholly or partially by the association. (b) The computation must give full credit to all items paid by the insurer or the insurer's receiver or the reinsurer before the election date. The reinsurer shall pay the receiver any amounts due for losses or events before the date of the order of liquidation, subject to any set-off for premiums unpaid for periods before that date, and the association or reinsurer shall pay any remaining balance due to the other. The payment must be made not later than the fifth day after the date on which the computation is completed. (c) A dispute regarding the amounts due to the association or the reinsurer shall be resolved by arbitration under the terms of the affected reinsurance contract or, if the contract does not contain an arbitration clause, as otherwise provided by law. (d) If the receiver has received any amounts due to the association under Section 463.505(a), the receiver shall remit those amounts to the association as promptly as practicable. Sec. 463.507. PROHIBITED ACTS BY REINSURER. If the association, or the receiver on the association's behalf, pays, not later than the 60th day after the election date, the unpaid premiums due for periods before and after the election date that relate to policies or annuities covered wholly or partially by the association, the reinsurer may not: (1) terminate a reinsurance contract for failure to pay premium to the extent that the reinsurance contract relates to a policy or annuity covered wholly or partially by the association; or (2) set off any unpaid amounts due under other contracts, or unpaid amounts due from parties other than the association, against amounts due to the association. Sec. 463.508. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES. (a) During the period from the date of the order of liquidation until the election date, or, if the election date does not occur, until the 180th day after the date of the order of liquidation: (1) the association and the reinsurer have no rights or obligations under a reinsurance contract that the association has the right to assume under Section 463.503, whether for periods before or after the date of the order of liquidation; and (2) the reinsurer, the receiver, and the association shall, to the extent practicable, provide to each other data and records reasonably requested. (b) After the association has elected to assume a reinsurance contract, the parties' rights and obligations are governed by this subchapter. (c) If the association does not elect to assume a reinsurance contract by the date described by Section 463.503(a), the association has no rights or obligations with respect to the reinsurance contract for periods before or after the date of the order of liquidation. Sec. 463.509. TRANSFERS OF REINSURANCE CONTRACTS TO ASSUMING INSURERS. (a) In the case of a contract assumed under Section 463.503, if a policy or annuity, or a covered obligation with respect to the policy or annuity, is transferred to an assuming insurer, reinsurance on the policy or annuity may also be transferred by the association, subject to the requirements of this section. (b) Unless the reinsurer and the assuming insurer otherwise agree, the transferred reinsurance contract may not cover any new insurance policy or annuity in addition to those transferred. (c) The obligations described by this subchapter do not apply with respect to matters arising after the effective date of a transfer under this section. (d) The transferring party must give notice in writing, return receipt requested, to the affected reinsurer not later than the 30th day before the effective date of the transfer. Sec. 463.510. EFFECT OF OTHER LAW OR CONTRACT PROVISION. (a) This subchapter supersedes the provisions of any law, or of any affected reinsurance contract, that provides for or requires payment of reinsurance proceeds because of a loss or event that occurs after the date of the order of liquidation, to: (1) the receiver of the insolvent insurer; or (2) any other person. (b) The receiver remains entitled to any amounts payable by the reinsurer under the reinsurance contract with respect to a loss or event that occurs before the date of the order of liquidation, subject to any applicable set-off provisions. SECTION ____. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section, the change in law made by this Act applies only to an insurer that first becomes an impaired or insolvent insurer on or after the effective date of this Act. An insurer that becomes an impaired or insolvent insurer before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it existed immediately before that date, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose. (b) The change in law made by this Act to Subsection (c), Section 463.153, Insurance Code, as amended by this Act, applies to an assessment authorized on or after October 1, 2008, with respect to an insurer that first became impaired or insolvent on or after September 1, 2005.