Amend HB 2962 on third reading as follows:                                   
	(1)  Strike SECTION 14 of the bill, added by Amendment No. 5 
by Naishtat on second reading, amending Section 31.032(d), Human 
Resources Code (Second reading engrossment, page 16, line 10, 
through page 17, line 25).
	(2)  Strike SECTIONS 16 and 17 of the bill, added by 
Amendment No. 5 by Naishtat on second reading, adding Sections 
32.0265 and 33.014, Human Resources Code (Second reading 
engrossment, page 19, line 7, through page 20, line 2).
	(3)  Strike SECTION 21 of the bill added by Amendment No. 6 by 
S. Turner on second reading (Second reading engrossment, page 22, 
line 23, through page 24, line 15).
	(4)  Renumber remaining SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.