Amend HB 2985 (House Committee Printing) by adding the 
following SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS 
	SECTION ____.  Section 501.023, Transportation Code, is 
amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
	(d)  An application filed by the owner or lessee of a foreign 
commercial motor vehicle, as defined by Section 648.001, must be 
accompanied by a copy of the applicable federal declaration form 
required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration or its 
successor in connection with the importation of a motor vehicle or 
motor vehicle equipment subject to the federal motor vehicle 
safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards.
	SECTION ____.  Section 502.352(c), Transportation Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(c)  A person may obtain a permit under this section by:                       
		(1)  applying to the county assessor-collector, the 
department, or the department's wire service agent, if the 
department has a wire service agent;
		(2)  paying a fee of $25 for a 72-hour permit or $50 for 
a 144-hour permit: 
			(A)  in cash;                                                                
			(B)  by postal money order;                                                  
			(C)  by certified check;                                                     
			(D)  by wire transfer through the department's 
wire service agent, if any; 
			(E)  by an escrow account;  or                                               
			(F)  where the service is provided, by a credit 
card issued by:            
				(i)  a financial institution chartered by a 
state or the United States;  or
				(ii)  a nationally recognized credit 
organization approved by the Texas Transportation Commission;
		(3)  paying a discount or service charge for a credit 
card payment or escrow account, in addition to the fee; [and]
		(4)  furnishing to the county assessor-collector, the 
department, or the department's wire service agent, evidence of 
financial responsibility for the vehicle that complies with 
Sections 502.153(c) and 601.168(a) and is written by an insurance 
company or surety company authorized to write motor vehicle 
liability insurance in this state; and
		(5)  submitting a copy of the applicable federal 
declaration form required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration or its successor in connection with the importation 
of a motor vehicle or motor vehicle equipment subject to the federal 
motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards.
	SECTION ____.  Section 643.052, Transportation Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	Sec. 643.052.  APPLICATION.  To register under this 
subchapter a motor carrier must submit to the department an 
application on a form prescribed by the department.  The 
application must include:
		(1)  the name of the owner and the principal business 
address of the motor carrier;
		(2)  the name and address of the legal agent for service 
of process on the carrier in this state, if different;
		(3)  a description of each vehicle requiring 
registration the carrier proposes to operate, including the motor 
vehicle identification number, make, and unit number;
		(4)  a statement as to whether the carrier proposes to 
transport household goods or a hazardous material;
		(5)  a declaration that the applicant has knowledge of 
all laws and rules relating to motor carrier safety, including this 
chapter, Chapter 644, and Subtitle C;
		(6)  a certification that the carrier is in compliance 
with the drug testing requirements of 49 C.F.R. Part 382, and if the 
carrier belongs to a consortium, as defined by 49 C.F.R. Part 382, 
the names of the persons operating the consortium; [and]
		(7)  a valid identification number issued to the motor 
carrier by or under the authority of the Federal Motor Carrier 
Safety Administration or its successor; and
		(8)  any other information the department by rule 
determines is necessary for the safe operation of a motor carrier 
under this chapter.
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter B, Chapter 643, Transportation 
Code, is amended by adding Section 643.064 to read as follows:
TRANSPORTATION NUMBERS.  The department by rule shall provide for 
the issuance to a motor carrier of an identification number 
authorized by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.  A 
rule must conform to rules of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration or its successor.
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter F, Chapter 643, is amended by 
adding Section 643.256 to read as follows:
	Sec. 643.256.  CEASE AND DESIST ORDER.  The department may 
issue a cease and desist order if the department determines that the 
action is necessary to:
		(1)  prevent a violation of this chapter; and                          
		(2)  protect the public health and safety.                             
	SECTION ____.  The Texas Department of Transportation shall 
adopt rules under Section 643.064, Transportation Code, as added by 
this Act, not later than March 1, 2010.
	SECTION ____.  The changes in law made by this Act to 
Sections 501.023 and 643.052, Transportation Code, apply only to an 
application submitted under those sections to the Texas Department 
of Transportation on or after the effective date of this Act.  An 
application submitted under those sections to that department 
before the effective date of this Act is covered by the law in 
effect on the date the application was submitted, and that law is 
continued in effect for that purpose.