Amend CSHB 3180 (House committee printing) as follows:                       
	(1)  On page 1, line 24, strike "11 or more adult intact 
female animals" and substitute "adult intact female animals that 
produce 20 or more litters in one calendar year".
	(2)  On page 25, line 13, between "animal" and the semicolon, 
insert ", not to exceed 300 percent of the purchase price of the 
	(3)  On page 25, line 16, between "animal" and the period, 
insert ", not to exceed 300 percent of the purchase price of the 
	(4)  On page 25, strike lines 25 through 27, and substitute 
the following:   
		(3)  retention of the animal with a health problem by 
the purchaser for a reasonable period of time and reimbursement of 
reasonable veterinary fees, not to exceed 300 percent of the 
purchase price of the animal.