Amend CSHB 3454 (Senate committee report) as follows:                        
	(1)  Add the following SECTIONS to the bill and renumber the 
subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Sections 23.175(a) and (b), Tax Code, are 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  If a real property interest in oil or gas in place is 
appraised by a method that takes into account the future income from 
the sale of oil or gas to be produced from the interest, the method 
must use the average price of the oil or gas from the interest for 
the preceding calendar year multiplied by a market condition factor 
as the price at which the oil or gas produced from the interest is 
projected to be sold in the current year of the appraisal.  The 
average price for the preceding calendar year is calculated by 
dividing the sum of the monthly average prices for which oil and gas 
from the interest was selling during each month of the preceding 
calendar year by 12.  If there was no production of oil or gas from 
the interest during any month of the preceding calendar year, the 
average price for which similar oil and gas from comparable 
interests was selling during that month is to be used.  The 
comptroller shall calculate the market condition factor by dividing 
the [comptroller's] current calendar year statewide average price 
for oil or gas, as applicable, as forecasted by the Oil and Gas 
Valuation Advisory Committee using market-based data and a 
market-based methodology and approved by the comptroller, [for 
revenue estimating purposes] by the preceding calendar year actual 
statewide average price for oil or gas, as applicable.  [For 
purposes of calculating the market condition factor, "price" means 
the market value of oil or gas as determined under Subchapter C, 
Chapter 201, or Section 202.053, as applicable.]  The comptroller 
shall calculate the preceding calendar year actual statewide 
average prices for oil and gas and the market condition factors for 
oil and gas and publish that information to be used for ad valorem 
tax appraisal purposes concurrently with the current calendar year 
statewide average prices for oil and gas forecasted using 
market-based data and a market-based methodology [for revenue 
estimating purposes].  The price for the interest used in the second 
or a subsequent calendar year of the appraisal shall reflect the 
[same] percentage rate increase or decrease in the price for oil or 
gas, as applicable, as projected for that calendar year by the 
comptroller using market-based data and a market-based 
methodology.  However, in no event may the price used in the second 
or any succeeding year of an appraisal exceed 200 percent of the 
price used in the current year of the appraisal [for revenue 
estimating purposes].
	(b)  The comptroller by rule shall:                                     
		(1)  establish procedures for performing the 
calculations required by Subsection (a); and
		(2)  develop and distribute to each appraisal office 
appraisal manuals that specify methods and procedures to discount 
future income from the sale of oil or gas from the interest to 
present value.
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter B, Chapter 23, Tax Code, is 
amended by adding Section 23.176 to read as follows:
The Oil and Gas Valuation Advisory Committee is created.  The 
advisory committee is composed of:
		(1)  the comptroller, who serves as a nonvoting member 
and as presiding officer of the committee;
		(2)  three members who are members of a county 
commissioners court, appointed by the chief executive officer of 
the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas;
		(3)  two members who are chief appraisers of an 
appraisal district, appointed by the chief executive officer of the 
Texas Association of Appraisal Districts;
		(4)  two members appointed by the chief executive 
officer of the Texas Oil & Gas Association;
		(5)  two members appointed by the chief executive 
officer of the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners 
Association; and
		(6)  one member appointed annually on a rotating basis 
by the chief executive officer of the Texas Alliance of Energy 
Producers, the chief executive officer of the Permian Basin 
Petroleum Association, or the chief executive officer of the 
Panhandle Producers & Royalty Owners Association.
	(b)  An appointed member of the advisory committee serves at 
the will of the appointing entity.
	(c)  Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the 
size, composition, or duration of the advisory committee.
	(d)  The advisory committee shall, by a vote of at least 
two-thirds of the voting members, determine the current calendar 
year statewide average price for oil or gas, as applicable, 
forecasted using market-based data and a market-based methodology.
	(e)  The determination of the advisory committee may not 
result in a current calendar year statewide average price for oil or 
gas, as applicable, forecasted using market-based data and a 
market-based methodology that deviates by more than 50 percent from 
the preceding calendar year actual statewide average price for oil 
or gas, as applicable, as calculated by the comptroller under 
Section 23.175(a).
	(f)  The advisory committee shall notify the comptroller of 
the committee's determination.  The comptroller shall accept or 
reject the advisory committee's determination.  If the comptroller 
rejects the advisory committee's determination, the comptroller 
		(1)  immediately notify the advisory committee of the 
comptroller's rejection of and reasons for rejecting the 
determination; and
		(2)  direct the advisory committee to make a new 
	(g)  A new determination by the advisory committee is subject 
to Subsections (d), (e), and (f) in the same manner as an initial 
	(h)  If the comptroller accepts the initial or a subsequent 
determination of the advisory committee, the comptroller shall use 
the current calendar year statewide average price for oil or gas, as 
applicable, as determined by the advisory committee in performing 
the calculations required by Section 23.175(a).
	(i)  The comptroller by rule shall establish procedures for 
the functions of the advisory committee, including procedures 
requiring the advisory committee to notify the comptroller of its 
initial determination for each tax year not later than January 31 of 
that year.
	SECTION ____.  The chief executive officers of the County 
Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Texas Association of 
Appraisal Districts, Texas Oil & Gas Association, Texas Independent 
Producers and Royalty Owners Association, and Texas Alliance of 
Energy Producers shall appoint the initial appointed members of the 
Oil and Gas Valuation Advisory Committee created by Section 23.176, 
Tax Code, as added by this Act, as soon as practicable on or after 
September 1, 2009.
	SECTION ____.  The comptroller shall adopt rules under 
Section 23.175(b), Tax Code, as amended by this Act, and Section 
23.176(i), Tax Code, as added by this Act, not later than December 
1, 2009.
	(2)  Strike SECTION 19 of the bill (page 5, line 35) and 
substitute the following:
	SECTION 19.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of 
this section, this Act takes effect January 1, 2010.
	(b)  Sections 23.175(a) and (b), Tax Code, as amended by this 
Act, and Section 23.176, Tax Code, as added by this Act, take effect 
September 1, 2009.