Amend CSHB 3689 (house committee printing) as follows: (1) On page 44, line 3, strike "section" and substitute "subchapter". (2) On page 44, line 14, between "board" and "may", insert "or a group of juvenile boards serving counties that are in the same service region established by the commission". (3) On page 44, line 16, between "county" and the underlined period, insert "served by the board or group of boards, as applicable". (4) On page 44, line 19, between "board" and the underlined semicolon, insert "or group of juvenile boards". (5) On page 44, line 24, between "board" and "that", insert "or group of juvenile boards". (6) On page 44, line 25, after "board", insert "or group of juvenile boards". (7) On page 44, line 26, strike "any grant money the county receives" and substitute "the grant money". (8) On page 44, line 27, strike "county" and substitute "juvenile board or group of juvenile boards". (9) On page 45, line 3, after "county", insert "or counties". (10) On page 45, line 4, between "board" and "serves", insert "or group of juvenile boards". (11) On page 45, line 10, between "board" and "that", insert "or group of juvenile boards". (12) On page 46, line 6, strike "county the juvenile board" and substitute "county or counties the juvenile board or group of juvenile boards". (13) On page 46, line 6, between "serves" and the underlined period, insert ", as applicable". (14) On page 46, line 10, between "county" and "and", insert "or counties". (15) On page 46, line 11, strike "a county" and substitute "the county or counties". (16) On page 46, line 18, strike "board's" and substitute "board's or boards'". (17) On page 46, line 18, after "allotment", insert ", as applicable,". (18) On page 46, line 23, strike "board's" and substitute "board's or boards'". (19) On page 47, line 1, after "board", insert "or group of juvenile boards". (20) On page 47, line 3, after "board", insert "or group of juvenile boards". (21) On page 47, line 12, after "board", insert "or group of juvenile boards".