Amend Amendment No. 7 by Phillips to CSHB 3689 as follows: (1) On page 3, strike the text on lines 1 through 3 and substitute: "(1) the child has been adjudicated: (A) on at least one previous occasion, to have engaged in delinquent conduct violating: (i) a penal law listed in Section 3g(a)(1), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure; or (ii) a penal law of the grade of felony in the adjudication of which contained an affirmative finding described by Subsection (g); or (B) on at least two previous occasions, to have engaged in delinquent conduct violating any penal law of the grade of felony; and" (2) On page 3, line 5, between "adjudication" and the underlined period, insert "or adjudications, as applicable". (3) On page 4, strike the text on lines 8 through 11, and substitute: "(1) before the adjudication that prompted disposition that is being modified, the child has been adjudicated: (A) on at least one previous occasion, to have engaged in delinquent conduct violating: (i) a penal law listed in Section 3g(a)(1), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure; or (ii) a penal law of the grade of felony in the adjudication of which contained an affirmative finding described by Subsection (g); or (B) on at least two previous occasions, to have engaged in delinquent conduct violating any penal law of the grade of felony; and". (4) On page 4, lines 14, between "adjudication" and the underlined period, insert "or adjudications, as applicable".