Amend CSHB 4586 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                      
	(1)  In the heading to SECTION 10 of the bill (page 2, line 
62), strike "DEBT SERVICE" and substitute "ADMINISTRATIVE 
	(2)  In SECTION 10 of the bill (page 2, line 67), strike "debt 
service payments" and substitute "administrative operation 
	(3)  In SECTION 16 of the bill (page 5, line 12), between the 
period and "In addition", insert "(a)".
	(4)  Immediately following SECTION 16 of the bill (page 5, 
between lines 20 and 21), insert the following:
	(b)  Out of the funds appropriated in Subsection (a) of this 
section, the Department of Criminal Justice and the Correctional 
Managed Health Care Committee shall identify and evaluate 
mechanisms to lower the cost of, or increase the quality of care in, 
health or pharmacy services and submit a report to the Legislative 
Budget Board and the Governor no later than May 1, 2010.
	(5)  In SECTION 17 of the bill (page 5, line 21), strike "In" 
and substitute "Contingent on an interlocal agreement among 
interested parties, including the Bexar-Medina-Atascosa Counties 
Water Control and Improvement District No. 1, the Edwards Aquifer 
Authority, the Bexar Metropolitan Water District and the San 
Antonio River Authority, regarding repairs to the Lake Medina Dam, 
	(6)  In SECTION 20 of the bill (page 5, line 53), strike 
"$178,525" and substitute "$348,525".
	(7)  In SECTION 36 of the bill (page 9, line 60), strike 
"26,087" and substitute "26,400".
	(8)  In SECTION 36 of the bill (page 9, line 62), strike 
"15,516" and substitute "15,629".
	(9)  In SECTION 36 of the bill (page 10, line 9), strike 
"4,590" and substitute "5,442".
	(10)  In SECTION 42 of the bill (page 11, lines 10 and 11), 
strike "providing a temporary exemption for the use of federal 
incentives to increase federal funds".
	(11)  In SECTION 45 of the bill (page 12, lines 7 and 8), 
strike "providing a temporary exemption for the use of federal 
incentives to increase federal funds".
	(12)  In SECTION 46 of the bill (page 12, lines 21 and 22), 
strike "providing a temporary exemption for the use of federal 
incentives to increase federal funds".
	(13)  In SECTION 48 of the bill (page 12, line 52), strike 
"$30,100,979" and substitute "$24,041,141".
	(14)  In SECTION 48 of the bill (page 12, line 54), strike 
"$28,959,773" and substitute "$25,534,391".
	(15)  In SECTION 49 of the bill (page 12, line 59), strike 
"$62,351,306" and substitute "$74,351,306".
	(16)  In SECTION 50 of the bill (page 12, line 69), strike 
"$5,917,242" and substitute "$7,211,846".
	(17)  In SECTION 50 of the bill (page 13, line 6), strike 
"$13,126,361" and substitute "$14,248,456".
	(18)  In SECTION 50 of the bill (page 13, line 9), strike 
"$12,460,353" and substitute "$18,620,948".
	(19)  In SECTION 50 of the bill (page 13, line 12), strike 
"$5,280,315" and substitute "$6,693,100".
	(20)  In SECTION 52 of the bill (page 13, line 46), strike 
"$790,589,278" and substitute "$759,113,979".
	(21)  In SECTION 55(6) of the bill (page 14, line 32), strike 
"$5,700,000" and substitute "$6,200,000".
	(22)  Strike Subsection (a) of SECTION 58 of the bill (page 
15, lines 48-58) and substitute the following:
	(a)  The amount of $62 million is appropriated out of the 
general revenue fund to the Trusteed Programs within the Office of 
the Governor for the two-year period beginning on the effective 
date of this Act for the purpose of providing disaster relief in 
accordance with this section. The prior approval of the Legislative 
Budget Board given or considered to be given as provided by this 
subsection is required to expend funds for the purpose of providing 
reimbursements for post disaster recovery expenditures. The 
Governor's Division of Emergency Management shall provide 
information regarding proposed expenditures of funds for this 
purpose to the Legislative Budget Board in a format provided by the 
board.  If the Legislative Budget Board does not disapprove a 
proposed reimbursement for post disaster recovery expenditures 
within 10 days of receiving the required  information, the proposed 
expenditure is considered automatically approved.
	(23)  Immediately following Subsection (c) of SECTION 58 of 
the bill (page 15, between lines 67 and 68), insert the following:
	(d)  Out of amounts appropriated by Subsection (a) of this 
section, it is the intent of the legislature that the governor 
coordinate with the Texas Education Agency to reimburse eligible 
school districts in an aggregate amount not to exceed $10 million 
for qualifying disaster remediation costs.
	(e)  Out of amounts appropriated by Subsection (a) of this 
section, it is the intent of the legislature that the Governor's 
Division of Emergency Management shall reimburse the Texas 
Engineering Extension Service for costs incurred in connection with 
the response of the Texas Task Force 1 to certain flooding.
	(f)  Out of amounts appropriated by Subsection (a) of this 
section, it is the intent of the legislature that the Governor's 
Division of Emergency Management may reimburse the General Land 
Office for repairs made to the protective dune system for County 
Road 257.
	(24)  Strike SECTION 62 (page 16, lines 28 through 37), and 
substitute the following:
any state agency or institution of higher education receives 
reimbursement from the federal government, an insurer, or another 
source for an expenditure paid for or reimbursed under Sections 9, 
15, 52, 55, 56, or 57 of this Act, the agency or institution shall 
reimburse the state in an amount equal to the general revenue funds 
expended for damages that is proportional to the total expenditures 
for damages described under Sections 9, 15, 52, 55, 56, or 57 of 
this Act, and that amount shall be deposited to the credit of the 
general revenue fund.
	(b)  If any state agency or institution of higher education 
receives reimbursement from the federal government, an insurer, or 
another source for an expenditure paid for or reimbursed under 
Section 58 or 60 of this Act, the agency or institution shall 
reimburse the state by depositing the amount of the  reimbursement 
to the credit of the Trusteed Programs within the Office of the 
Governor.  Amounts deposited under this subsection are 
reappropriated to the Trusteed Programs within the Office of the 
Governor for disaster preparedness and recovery costs for the 
two-year period beginning on the effective date of this Act.
	(25)  In SECTION 67 of the bill (page 17, line 28), between 
the "." and "In" insert "(a)".
	(26)  In SECTION 67 of the bill, on page 17, between lines 33 
and 34, insert the following:
	(b)  Out of the funds appropriated in this section, the 
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services shall make 
every effort to attain the following performance measure targets:
		(1)  provide autism services to an average of 127 
children per month for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2010, and 
provide autism services to an average of 127 children per month for 
the fiscal year ending August 31, 2011;
		(2)  provide autism services at an average monthly cost 
per child of $2,185 for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2010, and 
provide autism services at an average monthly cost per child of 
$2,185 for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2011;
		(3)  provide autism services to 224 children by the end 
of the fiscal year ending August 31, 2010, and provide autism 
services to 224 children by the end of the fiscal year ending August 
31, 2011.
	(27)  In Subsection (a), SECTION 68 of the bill (page 17, 
line 38), strike "$22,648,532" and substitute "$45,069,658".
	(28)  In Subsection (a), SECTION 68 of the bill (page 17, 
lines 38 and 39), strike "fiscal year ending August 31, 2010" and 
substitute "two-year period beginning on the effective date of this 
	(29)  In SECTION 68 of the bill, strike Subsection (b) (page 
17, lines 42 through 52), and substitute the following:
	(b)  Also contingent upon the State of Texas and the United 
States Department of Justice reaching a settlement agreement, in 
addition to the number of full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) the 
Department of Aging and Disability Services is authorized by other 
law to employ during the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2010, 
the department may employ an additional 1,160.0 FTEs during that 
state fiscal year. In addition to the number of full-time 
equivalent employees (FTEs) the Department of Aging and Disability 
Services is authorized by other law to employ during the state 
fiscal year ending August 31, 2011, the department may employ an 
additional 1,160.0 FTEs during that state fiscal year.
	(30)  At the end of SECTION 68 of the bill (page 17, between 
lines 61 and line 62), insert the following:
	(d)  Also contingent upon the State of Texas and the United 
States Department of Justice reaching a settlement agreement, in 
addition to the number of full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) the 
Department of Family and Protective Services is authorized by other 
law to employ during the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2010, 
the department may employ an additional 37.0 FTEs during that state 
fiscal year. In addition to the number of full-time equivalent 
employees (FTEs) the Department of Family and Protective Services 
is authorized by other law to employ during the state fiscal year 
ending August 31, 2011, the department may employ an additional 
43.0 FTEs during that state fiscal year.
	(31)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to 
the bill and renumber the SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
addition to amounts previously appropriated for the state fiscal 
biennium ending August 31, 2009, the amount of $2,000,000 is 
appropriated out of the general revenue dedicated account number 
550 to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for the 
two-year period beginning on the effective date of this Act for 
conducting hazardous substance removal and disposal activities at 
Ballard Pits, a state superfund site in Nueces County.

CONTINGENCY FOR SENATE BILL 643.  (a) Contingent on the enactment by 
the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, and becoming law of 
Senate Bill 643 or similar legislation relating to the protection 
and care of persons with mental retardation, the Department of 
Aging and Disability Services is appropriated, in addition to 
amounts previously appropriated for the state fiscal biennium 
ending August 31, 2009, the amount of $19,000,000 from the general 
revenue fund and $19,000,000 from federal funds for the two-year 
period beginning on the effective date of this Act to fully 
implement the provisions of the legislation; to install video 
surveillance equipment in areas defined as nonprivate space for 
residents of state developmental centers and the ICF/MR component 
of the Rio Grande State Center; and to monitor video across shifts 
to detect and prevent abuse and exploitation of residents and 
	(b)  In addition to the number of full-time equivalent 
employees (FTEs) the Department of Aging and Disability Services is 
authorized by other law to employ during the state fiscal biennium 
ending August 31, 2011, the department may employ an additional 
186.0 FTEs during that state fiscal biennium.
	(c)  Also contingent on enactment by the 81st Legislature, 
Regular Session, 2009 and becoming law of Senate Bill 643 or similar 
legislation relating to the protection and care of persons with 
mental retardation, the Department of Aging and Disability Services 
shall use amounts appropriated by Senate Bill 1, Acts of the 81st  
Legislature, Regular Session, 2009 (the General Appropriations 
Act), to implement name changes, mortality reviews, on-site annual 
surveys of group homes, the Forensic State Supported Living Center, 
an independent ombudsman, a new assistance commissioner, 
behavioral support specialists for alleged offenders, and employee 
background checks, finger printing, and drug testing.
Environmental Quality is appropriated  the amount of $37,000,000 
out of the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan Account No. 5071 for the 
two year period beginning on the effective date of this Act for the 
implementation of activities under Subsection (a) of 386.252 of the 
Health and Safety Code.
PREPAREDNESS. The Department of Public Safety is appropriated the 
amount of $4,500,000 from the general revenue fund under Goal D, 
Emergency Management, for the two year period beginning on the 
effective date of this Act to be transferred to the Division of 
Emergency Management for staffing and emergency systems to apply 
lessons learned in multiple major disasters in 2007 and 2008 to 
enhance the capability of the state to plan and coordinate 
emergency preparedness, emergency response, and disaster recovery 
operations with local governments and state and federal agencies 
and to fully incorporate the support of industry and volunteer 
groups into emergency operations. Of the funds appropriated in this 
section, the amount of $1,550,000 shall be used to enhance the 
capabilities of the State Operations Center and the remainder shall 
be used to fund 29 full-time equivalent positions to improve 
preparedness and response capabilities, the delivery of disaster 
assistance, and staffing for disaster-related financial 
BENEFITS. To minimize the impact on state funds appropriated in 
this Act or in Senate Bill 1, Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular 
Session, 2009, (the General Appropriations Act) for the fiscal 
biennium ending August 31, 2011, for unemployment benefits, the 
Texas Workforce Commission may adjust unemployment eligibility 
periods as necessary to maximize receipt of any 100 percent 
federally funded benefit. This provision does not appropriate state 
funds, nor may additional state funds be appropriated as a result of 
this authorization. Additional federal funds received by the State 
of Texas resulting from the authorized adjustment are appropriated 
as necessary to comply with Section 2005 of Public Law No. 111-5.
TEST ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT SYSTEMS. Out of funds appropriated to the 
Employees Retirement System in Senate Bill 1, Acts of the 81st 
Legislature, Regular Session, 2009 (the General Appropriations 
Act), for the fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2011, the Employees 
Retirement System is authorized to establish a pilot program under 
which physicians and health care providers who provide health care 
services to employees and retirees participating in the group 
benefits program are compensated under a payment system designed to 
test alternatives to traditional fee-for-service payments. To the 
extent practicable, the program must be based on nationally 
recognized quality of care standards and evidence-based best 
practices, and must include policies designed to promote provider 
collaboration and other policies and practices as necessary to 
ensure high-quality and effective health care services.
PARK RESTORATION. Contingent on enactment by the 81st Legislature, 
Regular Session, 2009, and becoming law of H.B. 3391, S.B 1010, or 
similar legislation relating to the continuation and functions of 
the Parks and Wildlife Department, out of funds appropriated to the 
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in Strategy B.2.1, Local Parks 
Grants in Senate Bill 1, Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular 
Session, 2009, (the General Appropriations Act) for the fiscal 
biennium ending August 31, 2011, it is the intent of the legislature 
that an amount not to exceed $1,500,000 be provided as matching 
grants to the City of Waco as follows:
		(1)  $373,000 shall be allocated for a one-to-one 
matching grant for the purpose of replacing the existing Oscar Du 
Conge Pool with safe and appropriate public recreational water 
activities in East Waco, such as a splash pad/spray park; and
		(2)  $1,127,000 shall be allocated for a two-to-one 
matching grant for the purpose of restoring, upgrading, or 
replacing the existing public skate park to provide a safe, family 
recreational skating facility.
PROJECT.  Amounts appropriated by Senate Bill 1, Acts of the 81st 
Legislature, Regular Session, 2009 (the General Appropriations 
Act), to the Trusteed Programs within the Office of the Governor for 
transfer to the Texas Emerging Technology Fund may be used for the 
two-year period beginning on the effective date of this Act for 
expenditures related to clean energy programs or projects, as 
authorized by general law.
HOUSTON: TRAUMA CARE. The University of Texas Health Science Center 
at Houston is appropriated $6,000,000 from the general revenue 
dedicated account 5111 for the two year period beginning on the 
effective date of this Act to provide reimbursements for 
uncompensated care.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center is appropriated 
$2,000,000 from the general revenue fund for the two year period 
beginning on the effective date of this Act to provide 
reimbursements for uncompensated care for Hurricane Ike patients.
CENTER AT FORT WORTH: TRAUMA CARE. The University of North Texas 
Health Science Center at Fort Worth is appropriated $2,000,000 from 
the general revenue fund for the two year period beginning on the 
effective date of this Act to provide reimbursements for 
uncompensated care.
FUNCTIONS. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is appropriated 
from the general revenue fund for the two year period beginning on 
the effective date of this Act the following amounts:
		(1)  $2,000,000 to repair hurricane-related damages to 
the Sea Rim State Park; and
		(2)  $1,000,000 for information technology services.                          
College is appropriated $1,500,000 from the general revenue fund 
for the two year period beginning on the effective date of this Act 
to reimburse the Higher Education Coordinating Board for new campus 
OPERATIONS. The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation is 
appropriated $956,000 from the general revenue fund for the two 
year period beginning on the effective date of this Act for 
CERTAIN SALARIES. (a) Notwithstanding any limitation on salary 
rates prescribed by Chapter 1428 (H.B. 1), Acts of the 80th 
Legislature, Regular Session, 2007 (the General Appropriations 
Act), the Executive Director of the Cancer Prevention and Research 
Institute shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed $214,000 per 
fiscal year for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2009, and the 
Chief Scientific Officer of the institute may be compensated at a 
rate not to exceed $212,000 per year for the fiscal year ending 
August 31, 2009.
	(b)  In addition to the rates provided in Subsection (a) of 
this section, the Executive Director may receive a salary 
supplement not to exceed $86,000 for a total combined salary of 
$300,000 out of state and foundation funds for the fiscal year 
ending August 31, 2009.  In addition to the rates provided in 
Subsection (a) of this section, the Chief Scientific Officer may 
receive a salary supplement not to exceed $488,000 for a total 
combined salary of $700,000 out of state and foundation funds for 
the fiscal year ending August 31, 2009.  The respective salaries 
paid out of appropriated state funds and foundation funds for each 
fiscal year of the biennium to the Executive Director and the Chief 
Scientific Officer of the Institute may not exceed the highest 
salary paid to a chancellor of a public university system.
BUYOUTS. The General Land Office is appropriated $10,000,000 from 
the general revenue fund for the two year period beginning on the 
effective date of this Act for structure buyouts as authorized by 
Chapter 33, Natural Resources Code.
limitations prescribed by Chapter 1428 (H.B. 1), Acts of the 80th 
Legislature, Regular Session, 2007 (the General Appropriations 
Act), for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2009, to the extent that 
the NorthSTAR managed care organization is able to obtain cost 
savings associated with state-approved purchasing arrangements for 
the purchase of new generation medications under Department of 
State Health Services Strategy B.2.4, NorthSTAR Behavioral Health 
Waiver, NorthSTAR managed care organization may expend an 
equivalent amount from Strategy B.2.4, NorthSTAR Behavioral Health 
Waiver on direct services to clients.
	(b)  In addition to amounts previously appropriated for the 
state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2009, the amount of 
$5,000,000 is appropriated out of the general revenue fund to the 
Department of State Health Services under Strategy B.2.4, NorthSTAR 
Behavioral Health Waiver to provide direct client services.
FOR WORK PERFORMED BY STATE EMPLOYEES.  (a) As used in this section, 
retention payment means a single employee compensation payment in 
the amount of eight hundred dollars ($800) authorized to be paid to 
employees in August, 2009, by each agency of the State of Texas 
through the payroll system, to each employee who was continuously 
employed by the agency from March 31, 2009 through August 1, 2009 
for work performed by the state employees, but subject to the 
exclusions and limitations under this section.
	(b)  The Comptroller of Public Accounts is appropriated an 
amount estimated to be $42,183,779 out of the General Revenue Fund, 
an amount estimated to be $3,915,109 out of General 
Revenue-Dedicated, an amount estimated to be $21,904,727 out of 
federal funds, and an amount estimated to be $20,260,422 out of 
other funds and accounts, to fund a retention payment for work 
performed by the state employees as described in Subsection (a) of 
this section for employees of state agencies including employees of 
the Higher Education Coordinating Board and employees of a Texas 
A&M University System service agency.
	(c)  This section shall not apply to employees of 
institutions of higher education (except for employees of a service 
agency of The Texas A&M University System), statewide elected 
officials, justices and judges of the appellate and district 
courts, district attorneys, criminal district attorneys, county 
attorneys performing the duties of a district attorney, or line 
item exempt (non-classified) employees. Additionally, this section 
shall not apply to the following employees:
		(1)  At the Texas Department of Criminal Justice:                             
			(A)  Correctional Officer series; and Ranking 
Staff (including Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, Majors, 
Assistant Wardens, and Wardens) otherwise provided a pay increase 
under the General Appropriations Act for the 2010-11 Biennium;
			(B)  Laundry Managers otherwise provided a pay 
increase under the General Appropriations Act for the 2010-11 
			(C)  Food Service Managers otherwise provided a 
pay increase under the General Appropriations Act for the 2010-11 
			(D)  Parole Officer series otherwise provided a 
pay increase under the General Appropriations Act for the 2010-11 
Biennium; and
			(E)  Other unit staff otherwise provided a pay 
increase under the General Appropriations Act for the 2010-11 
		(2)  At the Texas Youth Commission:                                           
			(A)  Juvenile Correctional Officers series 
otherwise provided a pay increase under the General Appropriations 
Act for the 2010-11 Biennium; and
			(B)  Other unit staff otherwise provided a pay 
increase under the General Appropriations Act for the 2010-11 
		(3)  Law Enforcement Employees classified under 
Schedule C under Part 2, Article IX of the General Appropriations 
Act for the 2010-11 Biennium otherwise provided a pay increase 
under the General Appropriations Act for the 2010-11 Biennium;
		(4)  At the Parks and Wildlife Department, in the event 
the Comptroller certifies the additional revenue of $11,328,892 
from the Game, Fish and Water Safety Account No. 9, the employees 
provided pay raises from these amounts during the 2010-11 
Biennium may not participate in the $800 retention payment for 
classified employees provided by this Act.
		(5)  In the Judicial branch of state government:                              
			(A)  At the Supreme Court and the Court of 
Criminal Appeals:               
				(1)  the staff attorneys;                                                   
				(2)  law clerks; and                                                        
				(3)  court administrative staff;                                            
			(B)  At the 14 Appellate Courts:                                             
				(1)  staff attorneys;                                                       
				(2)  law clerks; and                                                        
				(3)  employees whom a Court of Appeals 
designates as receiving salary increases from the block grant 
appropriated for the 14 Courts of Appeals in the 2010-11 Biennium;
			(C)  At the State Law Library, all positions; and                            
			(D)  At the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, 
the General Counsel and attorney staff;
		(6)  At all agencies, financial examiners otherwise 
provided a pay increase under the General Appropriations Act for 
the 2010-11 Biennium; and
		(7)  At all agencies, employees who earned amounts 
greater than $100,000.00 per year calculated as may be prescribed 
by rules adopted by the Comptroller in order to achieve the 
legislative objective of excluding employees who earn salaries 
greater than either $8,334.00 per month or $100,000.00 per year 
from receiving the retention payment.
	(d)  For employees paid the retention payment authorized 
under this section, any increase in employee benefits costs 
associated with the retention payment as described above shall be 
paid exclusively from appropriations made above in Subsection (b) 
of this section except for county extension agents who may receive a 
retention payment solely from appropriations made from the general 
revenue fund.
	(e)  Provisions requiring salaries and benefits to be 
proportional to the source of funds shall apply to all sums 
allocated under this section for the payment of a retention payment 
as if the retention payment was a part of the employee's regular 
compensation, except as may otherwise be provided. Each agency 
shall pay the retention payment from funds held in the state 
treasury and from local funds in the same proportion as the 
employee's regular compensation.
	(f)  The Comptroller shall adopt rules as necessary to 
administer this section. Funds appropriated in this section shall 
be allocated to each agency, and to the appropriate employee 
benefit appropriation items, in accordance with such rules and may 
be used only for the purpose of providing a retention payment and 
paying associated employee benefit costs.
	(g)  This section does not authorize an increase of 
classified salary rates above the rates listed in the classified 
salary schedules A, B, and C (as applicable) under Part 2, Article 
IX of the General Appropriations Act for the 2010-11 Biennium. This 
section authorizes each agency to pay a retention payment to each 
eligible employee of that agency from funds appropriated by this 
	(h)  Agencies subject to a special provisions rider 
"Appropriations Limited to Revenue Collections" of the General 
Appropriations Act for the 2010-11 Biennium shall increase revenues 
as necessary to cover the increased retention payment amounts 
appropriated above. Revenues to general revenue and general revenue 
dedicated funds due to the retention payment increase described 
above are estimated to be at least $3,400,000.
FOR CERTAIN SALARIES. (a) Notwithstanding the Position 
Classification Plan, under Section 2.01, Article IX, Senate Bill 1, 
Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009 (the General 
Appropriations Act), the Department of Public Safety is 
appropriated for the two year period beginning on the effective 
date of this Act the following amounts for the following purposes:
		(1)  $3,369,476 out of general revenue dedicated fund 
99 to fund the reclassification of positions for the police 
communications operators and supervisors at the Bureau of Law 
Enforcement Communications and Technology within the Department of 
Public Safety; and
		(2)  $350,000 out of the general revenue dedicated fund 
99 to fund the reclassification of positions for the forensic 
scientists in the Forensic Breath Laboratory Services within the 
Department of Public Safety.
	(b)  The State Classification Officer shall review and 
properly classify the positions affected by Subsection (a) of this 
section pursuant to authority provided under Chapter 654, 
Government Code.
SECURITY FUNDS. (a) Notwithstanding amounts appropriated under 
Senate Bill 1, Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, 
(the General Appropriations Act), in the appropriation to the  
Department of Public Safety for the fiscal year ending August 31, 
2010, the amount of general revenue dedicated account 99 
appropriated to the Department of Public Safety under Strategy 
D.1.1., Emergency Preparedness, is reduced by $5,500,000.
	(b)  Subsection (a), Rider 54, of the bill pattern of the 
Department of Public Safety, under Article V in Senate Bill 1, Acts 
of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009 (the General 
Appropriations Act), has no effect.
AND ENROLLMENT. Texas A&M International University is appropriated 
$1,000,000 out of the general revenue fund for the fiscal year 
ending August 31, 2010, and $1,000,000 out of the general revenue 
fund for the period beginning on September 1, 2010, and ending on 
the second anniversary of the effective date of this Act for 
outreach, access, enrollment, advising, tutoring, and retention 
Contingent on the enactment of S.B. 2534 or similar legislation 
relating to the creation of an interagency task force on economic 
growth and endangered species by the 81st Legislature, Regular 
Session, 2009, $250,000 is appropriated out of the general revenue 
fund for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2010, to the Texas A&M 
University System for the purpose of operating the Task Force on 
Economic Growth and Endangered Species.
The Texas Public Finance Authority is appropriated $3,200,000 from 
the general revenue fund for the two year period beginning on the 
effective date of this Act to pay debt service on general obligation 
Contingent on enactment by the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 
2009 and becoming law of House Bill 1511, House Bill 2860, or Senate 
Bill 1411, or similar legislation relating to financial assistance 
programs in connection with certain children in the conservatorship 
of the Department of Family and Protective Services, the Department 
of Family and Protective Services is appropriated $2,250,638 out of 
the general revenue fund for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2010, 
and $1,980,067 out of the general revenue fund for the period 
beginning on September 1, 2010, and ending on the second 
anniversary of the effective date of this Act, to implement the 
	(b)  Also contingent on enactment by the 81st Legislature, 
Regular Session, 2009 and becoming law of House Bill 1511, House 
Bill 2860, or Senate Bill 1411, or similar legislation relating to 
financial assistance programs in connection with certain children 
in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective 
Services, the Department of Family and Protective Services, in 
addition to the number of full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) the 
Department of Family and Protective Services is authorized by other 
law to employ during the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 
2011, is authorized to employ an additional 17.0 FTEs during that 
state fiscal biennium.
Contingent on enactment by the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 
2009 and becoming law of Senate Bill 2323 or similar legislation 
relating to the functions of the Texas School Safety Center, Texas 
State University-San Marcos is appropriated out of the general 
revenue fund for Strategy C.1.3, School Safety Center, the amounts 
of $308,612 in the fiscal year ending August 31, 2010, and $308,612 
for the period beginning on September 1, 2010 and ending on the 
second anniversary of the effective date of this Act and is 
authorized to employ an additional four FTEs in each year of the 
biennium to implement provisions of the legislation.
Contingent upon the enactment by the 81st Legislature, Regular 
Session, 2009, and becoming law of H.B. 1684 or similar legislation 
relating to the creation and administration of the rural 
veterinarian loan repayment program, the Office of Rural Community 
Affairs is appropriated $500,000 out of the general revenue fund 
for the two year period beginning on the effective date of this Act 
to implement provisions of the legislation.
Contingent upon the enactment by the 81st Legislature, Regular 
Session, 2009, and becoming law of S.B. 174 or similar legislation 
relating to educator preparation programs, the Texas Education 
Agency is appropriated $275,000 in State Board for Educator 
Certification fees for the two year period beginning on the 
effective date of this Act to implement provisions of the 
legislation. The Texas Education Agency may employ an additional 
two Full-Time Equivalents in each fiscal year during the fiscal 
biennium ending August 31, 2011.
CAMPUS. The University of Texas at Tyler is appropriated $1,300,000 
out of the general revenue fund for the two year period beginning on 
the effective date of this Act for faculty salaries and facility 
operations at the Palestine campus.
the bill pattern of the Office of the Governor in Senate Bill 1, 
Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009 (the General 
Appropriations Act), has no effect.
Contingent upon the enactment by the 81st Legislature, Regular 
Session, 2009 and becoming law of Senate Bill 1362 or similar 
legislation relating to a Texas Youth Commission comprehensive plan 
to improve student reading skills and behavior, the Texas Education 
Agency is appropriated $375,000 out of the general revenue fund for 
each fiscal year of the biennium beginning September 1, 2009. On a 
determination by the commissioner of education that the Texas Youth 
Commission has developed a comprehensive plan based on research 
that will improve the reading skills and behavior of students 
served by the commission, the commissioner of education shall 
transfer the funds to the Texas Youth Commission for use in 
implementing the comprehensive plan.
Contingent on enactment by the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 
2009, and becoming law of Senate Bill 1313 or similar legislation 
relating to the quality and accessibility of public school career 
and technical training programs and to assistance to students 
concerning postsecondary education and training, the Texas 
Education Agency is appropriated $1,350,000 for the state fiscal 
year ending August 31, 2011, out of the general revenue fund for 
industry certification examinations to non-economically 
disadvantaged students, $540,000 in fiscal year 2011 out of the 
general revenue fund for the State Board Education to conduct a 
course review, and $100,000 in fiscal year 2011 out of the general 
revenue fund to expand the Best Practices Clearinghouse to include 
career and technology education. The Texas Workforce Commission is 
appropriated $100,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 
2011, out of the general revenue fund to develop a list of 
high-demand, high-wage, high-skill occupations that require 
licensure, certification, an associate degree, or a bachelor's 
degree. The Higher Education Coordinating Board is appropriated out 
of the general revenue fund the amount of $2,290,000 for the state 
fiscal year ending August 31, 2011, for training and materials 
dealing with the "College for Texans" program and the amount of 
$100,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2011, to 
conduct an economic impact study to determine the economic impact 
to the state of secondary and post-secondary training and 
education. The "Number of Full-Time Equivalents" in the Higher 
Education Coordinating Board bill pattern is increased by two FTEs 
in the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2011.