Amend CSHB 4710 as follows:                                                  
	(1)  On page 1, line 19, between "REQUIRED" and "The", insert 
	(2)  On page 1, between lines 21 and 22, insert:                               
	(b)  If the creation of the district is not confirmed at a 
confirmation election held under this section before December 31, 
		(1)  the district is dissolved December 31, 2013, 
except that:       
			(A)  any debts incurred shall be paid;                                
			(B)  any assets that remain after the payment of 
debts shall be transferred to Burnet County; and
			(C)  the organization of the district shall be 
maintained until all debts are paid and remaining assets are 
transferred; and
		(2)  this chapter expires September 1, 2016.                           
	(3)  On page 3, line 23, delete "earlier" and insert 
	(4)  On page 3, strike lines 25-27, and substitute:                            

"Section 8353.003;                                                     
		(2)  the date the requirements of Section 
8353.003(b)(1) are fulfilled; or
		(3)  September 1, 2016."                                               
	(5)  On page 5, strike lines 22-26, and substitute:                            
	Sec. 8353.017.DIVISION OF DISTRICT.  (a)  The district may be 
divided into two or more new districts only if the district:
		(1) has no outstanding bonded debt; and                                
		(2) is not imposing ad valorem taxes.                                  
	(6)  On page 6, strike lines 12-13, and substitute "only 
after the date on which the creation of the district is confirmed at 
an election under 8353.003."
	(7)  On page 6, line 18, after "district" and before ";", 
insert "or provide that the owner or owners of a majority of the 
assessed value of the real property in each new district may submit 
a petition to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 
requesting that the commission appoint as temporary directors the 
five persons named in the petition".
	(8)  On page 7, line 2,after "8353.003" and before ".", insert 
"(a).  A new district that is not confirmed is subject to 
dissolution under general law".
	(9)  On page 7, strike lines 3-12, and 
substitute:"(i)Municipal consent to the creation of the district 
and to the inclusion of land in the district granted under Section 
8353.004 acts as municipal consent to the creation of any new 
district created by division of the district and to the inclusion of 
land in the new district."
	(10)  Strike Section 2 of the bill and substitute:                             
	"SECTION 2.  The Clearwater Ranch Municipal Utility District 
No. 1 initially includes all the territory contained in the 
following area:  1800.01 Acres of land, consisting of the 870.04 
acre tract described below as "TRACT 1", the 66.05 acre tract 
described below as "TRACT 2", the 90.12 acre tract described below 
as "TRACT 3" and 773.80 acre tract described below as "TRACT 4":
	TRACT 1:  Being 870.04 acres out of the Spring Creek IRR. Co. 
Survey No. 22, A-1050, the S.F.I.W. Co. Survey No. 1, A-843, the 
Johannes Braumholz Survey No. 954, A-109, the Jeptha Boyce Survey 
No. 47, A-114, the R.R. Robarts Survey No. 963, A-765, the John 
Hasseldanz Survey No. 959, A-430, and the Wayne Barton Survey No. 3, 
A-112; Being a portion of a called 21,304.716 acre tract as 
described in a Special Warranty Deed to Oakhurst Properties, L.P. 
of record in Instrument File Number 700684, Real Property Records 
of Burnet County, Texas; Said 21,304.716 acre tract being 
referenced in the Correction Special Warranty Deed to Oakhurst 
Properties, L.P. of record in Instrument File Number 0800010, Real 
Property Records of Burnet County, Texas; and being more 
particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
	BEGINNING at a point in a west line of the said 21,304.716 
acre tract, for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract described 
	THENCE with a west and south line of the said 21,304.716 acre 
tract, the following twenty-three (23) courses and distances:
		1. N 01° 44' 33" W a distance of 39.44 feet to a point of 
		2. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 1195.10 feet, an arc distance of 81.65 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 84° 40' 47" E a distance of 81.63 feet to a point,
		3. N 01° 07' 46" W a distance of 1928.52 feet to a point,          
		4. S 88° 18' 02" W a distance of 1966.50 feet to a point,          
		5. N 01° 58' 03" W a distance of 5180.83 feet to a point,          
		6. N 88° 00' 26" E a distance of 1161.15 feet to a point,          
		7. N 87° 18' 58" E a distance of 347.82 feet to a point,           
		8. N 87° 18' 56" E a distance of 1018.61 feet to a point,          
		9. N 88° 14' 21" E a distance of 1485.39 feet to a point,          
		10 .S 77° 25' 44" E a distance of 204.78 feet to a point,          
		11. S 61° 02' 57" E a distance of 196.93 feet to a point,          
		12. N 85° 47' 32" E a distance of 162.77 feet to a point,          
		13. S 61° 28' 56" E a distance of 182.89 feet to a point,          
		14. S 03° 38' 40" E a distance of 387.97 feet to a point,          
		15. S 29° 50' 10 E a distance of 372.55 feet to a point,           
		16. S 56° 06' 57" E  a distance of 129.92 feet to a point,         
		17. S 37° 58' 22" E a  distance of 101.04 feet to a point,         
		18. N 75° 28' 05" E a distance of 140.83 feet to a point,          
		19. S 89° 37' 37" E a distance of 132.69 feet to a point,          
		20. N 31° 26' 53" E a distance of 516.63 feet to a point,          
		21. S 52° 36' 15" E a distance of 72.31 feet to a point,           
		22. S 53° 20' 10" E a distance of 374.14 feet to a point, 
		23. S 53° 16' 09" E a distance of 467.48 feet to a point;          
	THENCE crossing the said 21,304.716 acre tract, the following 
fifteen (15) courses and distances:
		1. S 37° 03' 44" E a distance of 2152.43 feet to a point 
of curvature,
		2. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 965.00 feet, an arc distance of 168.13 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 45° 56' 37" W a distance of 167.91 feet to a point,
		3. S 50° 56' 05" W a distance of 150.90 feet to a point of 
		4. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 965.00 feet, an arc distance of 148.69 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 55° 20' 57" W a distance of 148.55 feet to a point,
		5. S 59° 45' 48" W a distance of 175.46 feet to a point of 
		6. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
965.00 feet, an arc distance of 449.47 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 46° 25' 12" W a distance of 445.42 feet to a point,
		7. S 33° 04' 36" W a distance of 149.14 feet to a point of 
		8. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
650.00 feet, an arc distance of 467.73 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 12° 27' 43" W a distance of 457.71 feet to a point,
		9. S 08° 09' 10" E a distance of 77.76 feet to a point of 
		10. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 450.00 feet, an arc distance of 344.33 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 13° 46' 06" W a distance of 335.99 feet to a point,
		11. S 35° 41' 21" W a distance of 329.62 feet to a point 
of curvature,
		12. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 965.00 feet, an arc distance of 614.74 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 53° 56' 20" W a distance of 604.40 feet to a point,
		13. S 72° 11' 19" W a distance of 223.39 feet to a point 
of curvature,
		14. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius 
of 965.00 feet, an arc distance of 346.22 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 61° 54' 38" W a distance of 344.37 feet to a point, and
		15. S 51° 37' 56" W a distance of 1645.00 feet to a point;         
	THENCE with an interior line of the said 21,304.716 acre 
tract, the following eight (8) courses and distances:
		1. N 30° 34' 16" W a distance of 335.31 feet to a point,           
		2. N 37° 38' 09" W a distance of 269.46 feet to a point,           
		3.  N 74° 23' 51" W a distance of 65.84 feet to a point,           
		4. S 37° 28' 46" E a distance of 108.89. feet to a point,          
		5. S 16° 44' 16" E a distance of 311.64. feet to a point,          
		6. S 27° 58' 37" E a distance of 456.02. feet to a point,          
		7. S 15° 58' 33" E a distance of 662.26. feet to a point, 
		8. S 12° 09' 46" W a distance of 112.03. feet to a point;          
	THENCE crossing the said 21,304.716 acre tract, the following 
six (6) courses and distances:
		1. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
11,273.10 feet, an arc distance of 517.85 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 77° 16' 44" W a distance of 517.80 feet to a point of compound 
		2. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
6956.95 feet, an arc distance of 288.93 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 79° 47' 04" W a distance of 288.91 feet to a point of compound 
		3. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
966.42 feet, an arc distance of 285.74 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 89° 26' 41" W a distance of 284.70 feet to a point,
		4. S 82° 59' 52" W a distance of 342.99. feet to a point 
of curvature,
		5. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 1318.17 feet, an arc distance of 411.62 feet, and a chord of 
which bears N 84° 06' 10" W a distance of 409.95 feet to a point of 
reverse curvature, and
		6. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
1611.43 feet, an arc distance of 293.69 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 80° 22' 41" W a distance of 293.29 feet to the POINT OF 
BEGINNING, containing 870.04 acres of land; and
	TRACT 2: Being 66.05 acres of land out of the Wayne Barton 
Survey No. 3, A-112, the William J. Asher Survey No. 693, A-11, and 
the John Hasseldanz Survey No. 959, A-430; being a portion of a 
called 21,304.716 acre tract as described in a Special Warranty 
Deed to Oakhurst Properties, L.P. of record in Instrument File 
Number 700684, Real Property Records of Burnet County, Texas; said 
21,304.716 acre tract being referenced in the Correction Special 
Warranty Deed to Oakhurst Properties, L.P. of record in Instrument 
File Number 0800010, Real Property Records of Burnet County, Texas; 
and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as 
	BEGINNING at a point in an interior line of the said 
21,304.716 acre tract, for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract 
described herein;
	THENCE with an interior line and a western line of the said 
21,304.716 acre tract, the following thirty-six (36) courses and 
		1. S 12° 09' 46" W a distance of 513.70 feet to a point,           
		2. S 35° 53' 28" W a distance of 151.96 feet to a point,           
		3. S 55° 57' 49" W a distance of 109.21 feet to a point,           
		4. S 75° 26' 52" W a distance of 76.39 feet to a point,            
		5. N 89° 01' 42" W a distance of 107.23 feet to a point,           
		6. N 34° 15' 53" W a distance of 49.61 feet to a point,            
		7. N 39° 31' 17" W a distance of 109.25 feet to a point,           
		8. N 30° 02' 27" W a distance of 67.75 feet to a point,            
		9. S 85° 18' 47" W a distance of 41.19 feet to a point,            
		10. S 19° 00' 18" W a distance of 96.93 feet to a point,           
		11. S 03° 44' 34" W a distance of 116.52 feet to a point,          
		12. S 42° 53' 24" W a distance of 81.73 feet to a point,           
		13. S 71° 05' 19" W a distance of 222.63 feet to a point,          
		14. N 42° 48' 59" W a distance of 145.65 feet to a point,          
		15. S 21° 10' 17" W a distance of 197.97 feet to a point,          
		16. S 50° 10' 36" W  a distance of 91.96 feet to a point,          
		17. S 73° 37' 59" W a  distance of 88.80 feet to a point,          
		18. N 72° 05' 19" W a distance of 46.97 feet to a point,           
		19. N 46° 48' 36" W a distance of 30.88 feet to a point,           
		20. N 02° 01' 21" W a distance of 271.67 feet to a point,          
		21. S 71° 36' 05" W a distance of 211.06 feet to a point,          
		22. S 41° 56' 24" W a distance of 315.57 feet to a point,          
		23. S 59° 44' 22" W a distance of 407.41 feet to a point,          
		24. S 55° 04' 35" W a distance of 393.64 feet to a point,          
		25. S 77° 58' 46" W a distance of 216.79 feet to a point,          
		26. S 89° 37' 43" W a distance of 96.28 feet to a point,           
		27. N 41° 44' 38" W a distance of 161.69 feet to a point,          
		28. S 52° 50' 27" W a distance of 116.54 feet to a point;          
		29. N 74° 17' 39" W a distance of 94.22 feet to a point,           
		30. N 01° 35' 16" W a distance of 219.50 feet to a point,          
		31. N 27° 33' 48" W a distance of 187.71 feet to a point,          
		32. N 07° 28' 09" E a distance of 381.09 feet to a point,          
		33. N 19° 36' 07" E a distance of 69.77 feet to a point,           
		34. N 21° 21' 37" E a distance of 89.13 feet to a point,           
		35. N 87° 32' 13" E a distance of 933.07 feet to a point, 
		36. N 01° 44' 33" W a distance of 685.02 feet to a point 
of curvature;
	THENCE crossing the said 21,304.716 acre tract, the following 
six (6) courses and distances:
		1. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 1611.43 feet, an arc distance of 293.69 feet, and a chord of 
which bears S 80° 22' 41" E a distance of 293.29 feet to a point of 
reverse curvature,
		2. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
1318.17 feet, an arc distance of 411.62 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 84° 06' 10" E a distance of 409.95 feet to a point,
		3. N 82° 59' 52" E a distance of 342.99 feet to a point of 
		4. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 966.42 feet, an arc distance of 285.74 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 89° 26' 41" E a distance of 284.70 feet to a point of compound 
		5. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 6956.95 feet, an arc distance of 288.93 feet, and a chord of 
which bears S 79° 47' 04" E a distance of 288.91 feet to a point of 
compound curvature,
		6. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 11,273.10 feet, an arc distance of 517.85 feet, and a chord of 
which bears S 77° 16' 44" E a distance of 517.80 feet to the POINT OF 
BEGINNING, containing 66.05 acres of land; and
	TRACT 3:  Being 90.12 acres of land out of the Wayne Barton 
Survey No. 3, A-112, the William J. Asher Survey No. 693, A-11, and 
the John Hasseldanz Survey No. 959, A-430; being a portion of a 
called 21,304.716 acre tract as described in a Special Warranty 
Deed to Oakhurst Properties, L.P. of record in Instrument File 
Number 700684, Real Property Records of Burnet County, Texas; said 
21,304.716 acre tract being referenced in the Correction Special 
Warranty Deed to Oakhurst Properties, L.P. of record in Instrument 
File Number 0800010, Real Property Records of Burnet County, Texas; 
and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as 
	BEGINNING at a point in an interior line of the said 
21,304.716 acre tract, for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract 
described herein;
	THENCE crossing the said 21,304.716 acre tract, the following 
eight (8) courses and distances:
		1. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 11,273.10 feet, an arc distance of 128.50 feet, and a chord of 
which bears S 73° 54' 15" E a distance of 128.50 feet to a point of 
reverse curvature,
		2. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
1,317.71 feet, an arc distance of 255.48 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 79° 07' 55" E a distance of 255.08 feet to a point of reverse 
		3. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 607.59 feet, an arc distance of 502.31 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 61° 00' 09" E a distance of 488.13 feet to a point of compound 
		4. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 400.80 feet, an arc distance of 429.83 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 06° 35' 46" E a distance of 409.53 feet to a point of compound 
		5. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 1133.46 feet, an arc distance of 441.33 feet, and a chord of 
which bears S 35° 16' 52" W a distance of 438.55 feet to a point of 
reverse curvature,
		6. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
1264.26 feet, an arc distance of 415.88 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 37° 00' 42" W a distance of 414.01 feet to a point of compound 
		7. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
600.99 feet, an arc distance of 556.00 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 01° 05' 04" W a distance of 536.39 feet to a point of compound 
curvature, and
		8. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
798.92 feet, an arc distance of 408.33 feet, and a chord of which 
bears S 40° 03' 39" E a distance of 403.90 feet to a point;
	THENCE with a south line and an interior line of the said 
21,304.716 acre tract, the following forty-two (42) courses and 
		1. N 89° 58' 50" W a distance of 65.58 feet to a point,            
		2. S 88° 43' 19" W a distance of 1966.32 feet to a point,          
		3. S 00° 00' 47" E a distance of 540.91 feet to a point,           
		4. S 88° 03' 31" W a distance of 1510.53 feet to a point,          
		5. N 46° 29' 55" E a distance of 637.86 feet to a point,           
		6. N 64° 44' 13" E a distance of 258.92 feet to a point,           
		7. N 53° 23' 17" E a distance of 117.03 feet to a point,           
		8. S 83° 34' 48" E a distance of 54.02 feet to a point,            
		9. S 04° 19' 09" E a distance of 111.22 feet to a point,           
		10. S 08° 41' 40" W a distance of 38.84 feet to a point,           
		11. S 22° 43' 53" E a distance of 41.31 feet to a point,           
		12. N 62° 49' 16" E a distance of 54.63 feet to a point,           
		13. N 60° 31' 18" E  a distance of 85.09 feet to a point,          
		14. N 39° 17' 25" E a  distance of 85.64 feet to a point,          
		15. N 14° 38' 43" E a distance of 93.63 feet to a point,           
		16. N 26° 48' 58" E a distance of 124.75 feet to a point,          
		17. N 32° 00' 31" E a distance of 172.29 feet to a point,          
		18. N 28° 39' 34" E a distance of 210.95 feet to a point,          
		19. N 25° 06' 51" E a distance of 155.56 feet to a point,          
		20. N 38° 53' 57" E a distance of 127.37 feet to a point,          
		21. N 68° 58'39" E a distance of 69.29 feet to a point,            
		22. S 56° 59' 22" E a distance of 56.19 feet to a point,           
		23. S 41° 45' 07" E a distance of 82.01 feet to a point,           
		24. N 70° 48' 34" E a distance of 15.71 feet to a point,           
		25. N 00° 12' 58" W a distance of 81.42 feet to a point,           
		26. N 09° 59' 31" W a distance of 133.73 feet to a point,          
		27. N 19° 57' 24" E a distance of 84.69 feet to a point,           
		28. N 74° 15' 02" E a distance of 132.60 feet to a point,          
		29. N 39° 30' 32" E a distance of 104.75 feet to a point,          
		30. N 62° 08' 58" E a distance of 257.83 feet to a point,          
		31. N 81° 48' 22" E a distance of 106.37 feet to a point,          
		32. N 35° 49' 44" E a distance of 51.40 feet to a point,           
		33. N 72° 52' 40" E a distance of 129.23 feet to a point,          
		34. N 65° 44' 31" E a distance of 104.43 feet to a point,          
		35. N 74° 22' 24" E a distance of 60.64 feet to a point,           
		36. N 48° 58' 40" E a distance of 166.27 feet to a point,          
		37. N 37° 23' 34" E a distance of 140.36 feet to a point,          
		38. N 23° 42' 41" E a distance of 304.57 feet to a point,          
		39. N 33° 22' 43" E a distance of 75.08 feet to a point,           
		40. N 19° 04' 34" E a distance of 313.98 feet to a point,          
		41. N 16° 59' 38" W a distance of 64.83 feet to a point, 
		42. N 20° 11' 16" E a distance of 23.09 feet to the POINT 
OF BEGINNING, containing 90.12 acres of land; and
	TRACT 4: Being 773.80 acres of land out of the Johannes 
Braunholz Survey No. 954, A-109, the L.R. Parks Survey No. 2, 
A-1140, the S.F.I.W. Co. Survey No. 3, A-845, the T. & N.O. RR. Co. 
Survey No. 17, A-916, the John Hasseldanz Survey No. 959, A-430, the 
Wayne Barton Survey No. 3, A-112, and the William Asher Survey No. 
693, A-11; Being a portion of a called 21,304.716 acre tract as 
described in the Special Warranty Deed to Oakhurst Properties, L.P. 
of record in Instrument File Number 700684, Real Property Records 
of Burnet County, Texas; Said 21,304.716 acre tract being reference 
din the Correction Special Warranty Deed to Oakhurst Properties, 
L.P. of record in Instrument File Number 0800010, Real Property 
Records of Burnet County, Texas; and being more particularly 
described by metes and bounds as follows:
	BEGINNING at a point at an interior corner of the said 
21,304.716 acre tract, for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract 
described herein;
	THENCE with a south and east line of the said 21,304.716 acre 
tract, the following seven (7) courses and distances:
		1. S 89° 38' 19" W a distance of 2318.51 feet to a point,          
		2. S 00° 43' 57" E a distance of 2482.65 feet to a point,          
		3. S 25° 55' 39" E a distance of 2196.15 feet to a point,          
		4. S 89° 26' 42" W a distance of 1914.11 feet to a point,          
		5. S 89° 08' 43" W a distance of 748.04 feet to a point,           
		6. S 87° 55' 45" W a distance of 1130.14 feet to a point, 
		7. N 89° 58' 50" W a distance of 73.15 feet to a point of 
	THENCE crossing the said 21,304.716 acre tract, the following 
eight (8) courses and distances:
		1. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 798.92 feet, an arc distance of 408.33 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 40° 03' 39" W a distance of 403.90 feet to a point of compound 
		2. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 600.99 feet, an arc distance of 556.00 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 01° 05' 04" E a distance of 536.39 feet to a point of compound 
		3. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 1264.26 feet, an arc distance of 415.88 feet, and a chord of 
which bears N 37° 00' 42" E a distance of 414.01 feet to a point of 
reverse curvature,
		4. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
1133.46 feet, an arc distance of 441.33 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 35° 16' 52" E a distance of 438.55 feet to a point of compound 
		5. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
400.80 feet, an arc distance of 429.83 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 06° 35' 46" W a distance of 409.53 feet to a point of compound 
		6. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
607.59 feet, an arc distance of 502.31 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 61° 00' 09" W a distance of 488.13 feet to a point of reverse 
		7. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 1,317.71 feet, an arc distance of 255.48 feet, and a chord of 
which bears N 79° 07' 55" W a distance of 255.08 feet to a point of 
reverse curvature, and
		8. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
11,273.10 feet, an arc distance of 128.50 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 73° 54' 15" W a distance of 128.50 feet to a point;
	THENCE with an interior line of the said 21,304.716 acre 
tract, the following five (5) courses and distances:
		1. N 20° 11' 16" E  a distance of 27.57 feet to a point,           
		2. N 87° 16' 17" E a  distance of 158.53 feet to a point,          
		3. N 72° 08' 03" E a distance of 80.32 feet to a point,            
		4. N 59° 29' 17" W a distance of 155.40 feet to a point, 
		5. N 30° 34' 16" W a distance of 1120.38 feet to a point           
	THENCE crossing the said 21,304.716 acre tract, the following 
fifteen (15) courses and distances:
		1. N 51° 37' 56" E a distance of 1645.00 feet to a point 
of curvature,
		2. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 965.00 feet, an arc distance of 346.22 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 61° 54' 38" E a distance of 344.37 feet to a point,
		3. N 72° 11' 19" E a distance of 223.39 feet to a point of 
		4. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
965.00 feet, an arc distance of 614.74 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 53° 56' 20" E a distance of 604.40 feet to a point,
		5. N 35° 41' 21" E a distance of 329.62 feet to a point of 
		6. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 
450.00 feet, an arc distance of 344.33 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 13° 46' 06" E a distance of 335.99 feet to a point,
		7. N 08° 09' 10"W a distance of 77.77 feet to a point of 
		8. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 650.00 feet, an arc distance of 467.73 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 12° 27' 43" E a distance of 457.71 feet to a point,
		9. N 33° 04' 36" E a distance of 149.14 feet to a point of 
		10. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 965.00 feet, an arc distance of 449.47 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 46° 25' 12" E a distance of 445.42 feet to a point,
		11. N 59° 45' 48" E a distance of 175.46 feet to a point 
of curvature,
		12. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius 
of 965.00 feet, an arc distance of 148.69 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 55° 20' 57" E a distance of 148.55 feet to a point,
		13. N 50° 56' 05" E a distance of 150.90 feet to a point 
of curvature,
		14. with the arc of a curve to the left having a radius 
of 965.00 feet, an arc distance of 168.13 feet, and a chord of which 
bears N 45° 56' 37" E a distance of 167.91 feet to a point, and
		15. N 37° 03' 44" W a distance of 2152.43 feet to a point;         
	THENCE with an interior line of the said 21,304.716 acre 
tract, the following five (5) courses and distances:
		1. N 29° 22' 42" E a distance of 208.41 feet to a point,           
		2. N 51° 02' 36" E a distance of 151.27 feet to a point,           
		3. N 64° 33' 37" E a distance of 148.51 feet to a point,           
		4. N 28° 41' 14" E a distance of 592.04 feet to a point, 
		5. N 27° 35' 39" E a distance of 118.08 feet to a point;           
	THENCE crossing the said 21,304.716 acre tract, the following 
fifteen (15) courses and distances:
		1. S 66° 36' 52" E a distance of 457.43 feet to a point,           
		2. S 33° 30' 06" E a distance of 451.35 feet to a point,           
		3. S 59° 30' 16" E a distance of 376.53 feet to a point,           
		4. N 64° 15' 36" E a distance of 471.65 feet to a point,           
		5. S 63° 39' 20" E a distance of 611.38 feet to a point,           
		6. N 73° 46' 08" E a distance of 240.54 feet to a point,           
		7. S 56° 55' 21" E a distance of 408.57 feet to a point,           
		8. N 80° 47' 34" E a distance of 478.13 feet to a point,           
		9. S 81° 22' 28" E a distance of 416.69 feet to a point,           
		10. S 30° 06' 52" E a distance of 966.78 feet to a point,          
		11. S 78° 06' 19" E a distance of 1843.43 feet to a point,         
		12. S 38° 32' 40" E a distance of 311.43 feet to a point,          
		13. S 62° 59' 05" W a distance of 673.48 feet to a point 
of curvature,
		14. with the arc of a curve to the right having a radius 
of 4000.00 feet, an arc distance of 2117.86 feet, and a chord of 
which bears S 78° 09' 10" W a distance of 2093.21 feet to a point, and
		15. S 00° 39' 29" E a distance of 1891.59 feet to the 
POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 773.80 acres of land.