Amend the Alonzo amendment to CSSB 1 (page 167, prefiled 
amendment packet) as follows:
	(1)  On page 1, lines 8 and 9, strike "or public community or 
junior college".
	(2)  On page 1, line 10, between "population" and 
"establish", insert "may". 
	(3)  On page 1, lines 12-14, strike "or college or at another 
institution of college under the supervision of the same governing 
board within that county or counties".
	(4)  On page 1, line 15, strike "or college".                                  
	(5)  On page 1, line 17, strike "or college".                                  
	(6)  On page 1, line 17, strike the colon.                                     
	(7)  Strike page 1, lines 18-24, and substitute "evaluating 
the demand for and feasibility of establishing a Mexican American 
studies program or other course work in Mexican American studies in 
connection with establishing and operating such a program or other 
course work at the institution."