Amend CSSB 1, under Article V as follows:                                    
	(1) On page V-11 of the bill pattern for the Department of 
Criminal Justice reduce General Revenue appropriations in Strategy 
C.1.5, Institutional Services, by $5,000,000 in each fiscal year. 
	(2) On page V-11 of the bill pattern for the Department of 
Criminal Justice increase General Revenue appropriations in 
Strategy A.1.2, Diversion Programs, by $5,000,000 in fiscal year 
2010 and $5,000,000 in fiscal year 2011. 
	(3) On page V-25 and V-26 of the bill pattern for the 
Department of Criminal Justice, amend the following text:
	Rider 75.  Diversion Initiatives.  The Department of Criminal 
Justice shall use funds appropriated above for various diversion 
initiatives in the strategies and General Revenue amounts specified 
	a. Strategy A.1.2, Diversion Programs.  Funding for probation 
outpatient substance abuse treatment appropriated in the amount of 
$5,000,000 $10,000,000 in fiscal year 2010 and $5,000,000 
$10,000,000 in fiscal year 2011;
	b. Strategy A.1.2, Diversion Programs. Funding for probation 
residential treatment beds (800) appropriated in the amount of 
$18,004,723 in fiscal year 2010 and $18,004,723 in fiscal year 
	c. Strategy B.1.1, Special Needs Projects.  Funding for the 
Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental 
Impairments (TCOOMMI) to provide mental health services, 
medications, and continuity of care to juvenile and adult offenders 
with mental impairments appropriated in the amount of $5,000,000 in 
fiscal year 2010 and $5,000,000 in fiscal year 2011;
	d. Strategy C.2.5, Substance Abuse Treatment. Funding for 
Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility treatment beds (1,184 
additional beds in contracted capacity) appropriated in the amount 
of $31,555,025 in fiscal year 2010 and $31,555,026 in fiscal year 
2011.  The funding includes aftercare in transitional treatment 
centers and outpatient counseling;
	e. Strategy C.2.5, Substance Abuse Treatment.  Funding for 
In-Prison Therapeutic Community Program expansion (1,000 
additional treatment slots in existing capacity) appropriated in 
the amount of $12,054,125 in fiscal year 2010 and $12,054,125 in 
fiscal year 2011.  The funding includes aftercare in transitional 
treatment centers and outpatient counseling;
	f. Strategy C.2.5, Substance Abuse Treatment.  Funding for 
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) treatment beds (500 additional 
treatment beds in contracted capacity) appropriated in the amount 
of $6,027,063 in fiscal year 2010 and  $6,027,063 in fiscal year 
2011.  The funding includes aftercare in transitional treatment 
centers and outpatient counseling; 
	g. Strategy C.2.5, Substance Abuse Treatment.  Funding for 
additional treatment slots in State Jails (1,200 beds in existing 
capacity) appropriated in the amount of $2,900,000 in fiscal year 
2010 and  $2,900,000 in fiscal year 2011;
	h. Strategy F.2.2, Halfway House Facilities.  Funding for 
parole halfway houses (300 additional beds) appropriated in the 
amount of $3,542,324 in fiscal year 2010 and  $3,542,324 in fiscal 
year 2011; and
	i. Strategy F.2.3, Intermediate Sanction Facilities.  
Funding for 992 additional probation and parole beds appropriated 
in the amount of $14,375,891 in fiscal year 2010 and  $14,375,892 in 
fiscal year 2011.
	Payment for the services provided above in Strategy A.1.2, 
Diversion Programs, Strategy C.2.5, Substance Abuse Treatment, 
Strategy F.2.2, Halfway House Facilities, and Strategy F.2.3, 
Intermediate Sanction Facilities, shall be provided on a per diem 
or reimbursement basis for services actually provided to offenders 
or for beds actually occupied by offenders.  Any surplus funding 
from services directly provided by local community supervision and 
corrections deparments (CSCDs) shall be returned to the state at 
the end of the biennium in accordance with applicable statutes and 
rules of this state.