Amend CSSB 1 in Article VII, Department of Transportation, by 
striking Rider 57 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
	57.  Engineering and Project Delivery Staff.  The department 
shall initiate a hiring freeze on all positions paid out of Strategy 
A.1.1 Plan/Design/Manage until a staffing plan is approved by the 
Legislative Budget Board pursuant to this rider.
	Prior to January 1, 2010, the Texas State Comptroller shall 
submit a report produced in conjunction with the Department of 
Transportation, the Texas Board of Professional Engineers, the 
Association of General Contractors, and the Texas Council of 
Engineering Companies, to the Legislative Budget Board and the 
Governor which details:
	a. the number of professionally licensed engineers and 
graduate engineers by work function and by strategy employed at the 
Department of Transportation for each of the last five (5) fiscal 
years and total staffing for work associated with the planning, 
design, and delivery of construction projects for this period for 
the department;
	b. numbers of licensed engineers and graduate engineers and 
total staffing associated with the planning, design and delivery of 
construction projects for other major public works owners and 
providers in Texas;
	c. measures of overall staffing and productivity used by 
private sector providers of engineering and project delivery 
	d. the dollar volume of highway and bridge projects awarded 
by the department in each of the last five years, and the percentage 
of those projects for which plan/design/manage activities were 
conducted exclusively by department personnel, exclusively by 
private sector personnel, or jointly;
	e. the type and complexity of highway and bridge projects 
typically planned, designed, and managed by department personnel, 
private sector personnel or jointly;
	f. the cost, including all direct and indirect costs, of all 
planning, design, and management activities by type of project per 
$100 million of highway and bridge projects awarded by the 
Department of Transportation in each of the last five (5) years for 
which planning, design, and management activities were performed by 
department personnel, private sector personnel, or jointly; this 
analysis will be conducted by an independent contract cost 
accounting firm knowledgeable of governmental and private sector 
accounting practices with the same rules for allocation of indirect 
costs, employee benefits, and other practices applied in all 
	g. the total cost of the department's plan/design/manage 
activities as a percentage of its construction program compared to 
the cost that other public entities incur for comprehensive 
engineering and project delivery services for large-scale 
construction projects;
	h. recommendations regarding engineering management 
practices used by other public entities that could improve the 
efficiency of the department's project delivery system; and
	i. a recommended staffing and private sector usage plan for 
the Department of Transportation to plan, design, and manage the 
construction of highways and bridges in Texas for the next ten years 
based on projected funding levels.
	At the direction of the Legislative Budget Board, beginning 
on April 1, 2010 the Department of Transportation shall initiate an 
attrition plan prescribed by the Legislative Budget Board based on 
the findings of the report.
	In the event that HB 300, 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 
or another bill creating a legislative transportation oversight 
committee, passes and becomes law, the duties of the Legislative 
Budget Board under this rider are transferred to the legislative 
transportation oversight committee.