Amend CSSB 1 by amending Rider 27 following the Article VII 
appropriations to the Texas Workforce Commission (School Readiness 
Models rider, page VII-45) to read as follows:
	27.  School Readiness Models.  Out of federal funds 
appropriated to the Texas Workforce Commission in Strategies A.3.1, 
TANF Choices Child Care; A.3.2, Transitional Child Care; and A.3.3, 
At-Risk Child Care, up to $50 million for the biennium shall be made 
available to child care providers participating in integrated 
school readiness models developed by the State Center for Early 
Childhood Development at the University of Texas Health Science 
Center at Houston.  The Commission shall make its best effort to 
implement this provision in a way that avoids [The initiative shall 
be implemented in a way to avoid] any decline in the number of 
children receiving child care during the 2010-2011 biennium.  Not 
later than December 1st of each even-numbered year, the State 
Center for Early Childhood Development shall report to the 
Legislature Budget Board and the Office of the Governor the 
detailed use of all state funds expended by the center for early 
childhood education services.