Amend the Giddings amendment to CSSB 1 (page 269, prefiled 
amendments packet) by striking the text of the amendment and 
substituting the following:
	Amend CSSB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:                            
	In Article XI, in the provisions for Article VIII agencies 
(page XI-17), add the following items:
	Department of Banking–Schedule of Exempt Positions: Banking 
Commissioner, Group 6;  For the state fiscal year ending August 31, 
2010: $165,000.  For the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2011: 
$165,000.  This provision supersedes the schedule of exempt 
positions for the agency in Article VIII to the extent of any 
	Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner–Schedule of Exempt 
Positions:  Commissioner, Group 6;  For the state fiscal year ending 
August 31, 2010: $140,000.  For the state fiscal year ending August 
31, 2011: $140,000.  This provision supersedes the schedule of 
exempt positions for the agency in Article VIII to the extent of any 
	Credit Union Department–Schedule of Exempt Positions:  
Credit Union Commissioner, Group 6; For the state fiscal year 
ending August 31, 2010: $130,000.  For the state fiscal year ending 
August 31, 2011: $130,000.  This provision supersedes the schedule 
of exempt positions for the agency in Article VIII to the extent of 
any conflict.
	Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending–Schedule of 
Exempt Positions:  Commissioner, Group 6;  For the state fiscal year 
ending August 31, 2010: $140,000.  For the state fiscal year ending 
August 31, 2011: $140,000.  This provision supersedes the schedule 
of exempt positions for the agency in Article VIII to the extent of 
any conflict.