Amend Amendment No. 195 to CSSB 1 by Martinez (page 272 of the 
prefiled amendments packet) by striking the text on page 1, lines 
4-14, and substituting the following:
	____. Study of Data Mining.  It is the intent of the 
legislature that, out of funds appropriated under Strategy A.1.1, 
Consumer Ed. and Mkt. Analyses, the Texas Department of Insurance, 
using data collected under Chapters 38 and 2151, Insurance Code:
		(1)  conduct a review of insurance industry practices 
			(A)  the use of data mining and pattern 
recognition practices and technologies that are used to predict 
difference in expected losses of covered persons or applicants for 
personal automobile or residential property insurance coverage or 
health benefit plan coverage; and
			(B)  the manner in which insurers use these 
technologies in underwriting and setting rates for personal 
automobile or residential property insurance or health benefit 
plans; and
		(2)  include the that review in the biennial report 
submitted under Section 32.033, Insurance Code, to the appropriate 
committees of each house of the legislature on or before December 
31, 2010.