Amend Amendment No. 203 by Dunnam to CSSB 1 (page 282 of the 
prefiled amendments packet) as follows:
	(1)  On line 6, between "any" and "video", insert "cable 
service providers or".
	(2)  On line 7, between "offering" and "video", insert "cable 
services or".  
	(3)  On line 12, between "not" and "video", insert "the cable 
service or".   
	(4)  On line 15, before "The commission", insert "The 
commission shall include in its study an analysis, for all cable 
service providers or video service providers that have been granted 
a state-issued certificate of franchise authority, of workforce 
diversity and ways to increase opportunities for historically 
underutilized businesses.".
	(5)  On line 15, strike "finding" and substitute "study".