Amend CSSB 1 (house committee printing) in Article III, 
following the appropriations to the Texas Education Agency, by 
amending Rider 62 (page III-18) as follows:
	(1)  Immediately preceding current Paragraph a of the rider, 
insert the following:
	a.  From funds appropriated above, the Commissioner shall 
set aside $8,000,000 per year for school district reading 
improvement programs to benefit students of limited English 
proficiency.  Each school district program shall include:  a 
research-based curriculum; assessments that are approved by the 
Texas Education Agency, are designed to measure growth in student 
vocabulary and reading comprehension, and are accessible through 
the Internet to appropriate teachers and administrators and, in 
both English and Spanish, to the parent of a student participating 
in the program; computer-based instruction; and a system for 
teacher support that includes in-person training, online 
professional development, and teacher training materials and 
resource guides to assist teachers in enabling students of limited 
English proficiency to meet state performance expectations.
	School districts shall begin providing instruction under the 
reading improvement program to students within six weeks of a 
student's initial enrollment in school in the district.  Not later 
than January 31 and June 1 each school year, each school district 
shall provide to the Texas Education Agency a report on the progress 
in reading of students participating in the district's program.  
The Commissioner may specify the format and information to be 
provided in the report. The Texas Education Agency may also collect 
data and information from school districts participating in the 
program to evaluate the effectiveness of the reading improvement 
	(2)  In current Paragraph a of the rider, at the beginning of 
the paragraph, strike "a." and substitute "b."
	(3)  In current Paragraph b of the rider, at the beginning of 
the paragraph, strike "b."