Amend CSSB 1 (House committee printing) as follows:                          

(1)  In Rider 79 following the appropriations to the Texas 	Education Agency (page III-21), between the first and second 
paragraphs, insert the following:
	Contingent on enactment of HB 1479, SB 955, or similar 
legislation by the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, 
relating to the state virtual school network, that becomes law, of 
the amount appropriated to the Texas Education Agency in Strategy 
B.2.1, Technology and Instructional Materials, the commissioner of 
education shall allocate an additional amount of $18,000,000 for 
the biennium to the state virtual school network.
	(2)  In Article XI of the bill, in the supplemental 
appropriations to the Texas Education Agency (page XI-4), strike 
the appropriation for the Texas Virtual School Network.
	(3)  Adjust the subtotals and totals in Article XI of the 
bill accordingly.