On page IV-____, Special Provisions Relating only to the Judiciary, add the following new rider: ____. Contingency Appropriation for HB 3580: Contingent upon passage of HB 3580, or similar legislation relating to the establishment of the capital writs committee and the office of capital writs, by the Eighty-first Legislature, Regular Session, the Office of Capital Writs is appropriated, in FY 2011, $500,000 from the General Revenue Fund and $494,520 from the Fair Defense Account for the operation of the office. The "Number of Full-Time Equivalents" shall be 9.5 FTEs in FY 2011 for the operation of the program. Further, the General Revenue appropriation contained in Article IV of this bill for the Judiciary Section, Comptroller's Department, Strategy D.1.6, Death Penalty Representation, shall be reduced by $500,000 in FY 2011.