Amend CSSB 1, on page VI-11 in the TCEQ's bill pattern, increase appropriations out of the Low-Level Waste Account No. 88 by $500,000 in each fiscal year of the 2010-11 biennium. Amend CSSB 1, on page VI-12 in the TCEQ's bill pattern, increase appropriations in Strategy A.3.1, Radioactive Materials Management by $500,000 in each fiscal year of the 2010-11 biennium. Amend CSSB 1, on page VI-13 in the TCEQ's bill pattern, increase the Number of Full-Time-Equivalents (FTE) by 5.0 in each fiscal year of the 2010-11 biennium. Amend CSSB 1, on page VI-13 in the TCEQ's bill pattern, add a position to the "Schedule of Exempt Positions" for "Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission Executive Director," include in Group 4, and list the salary for that position at $125,000 each fiscal year of the 2010-11 biennium. Amend CSSB 1, on page VI-22 in the TCEQ's bill pattern, add the following new rider: Appropriation: Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission. Included in amounts appropriated above out of the Low-Level Waste Account No. 88 in Strategy A.3.1, Radioactive Materials Management, is $500,000 in each fiscal year of the 2010-11 biennium to be used for operations of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission (LLRWC), including funding for up to 5.0 FTEs, and to reimburse for expenses related to travel in performance of their duties as commissioners of the LLRWC.