Amend CSSB 1 as follows:                                                     

(1)  Under the Article XI items for the Texas Historical 	Commission (page XI-2), add the following rider:
	____.  Unexpended Balance Appropriation:  Tejano Monument.  
a.  Any unexpended balances from the appropriations to the Texas 
Historical Commission as provided by Rider 17, Tejano Monument, 
following the appropriations to the Historical Commission in 
Chapter 1428 (HB 1), Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 
2007, (the General Appropriations Act) remaining as of August 31, 
2009 (estimated to be $____), are appropriated to the Texas 
Historical Commission for the fiscal biennium beginning September 
1, 2009, for the same purpose.
	b.  Appropriations for the Tejano monument are contingent 
upon the monument being located on the historic south grounds of the 
	(2)  Adjust the article subtotal and grand total (pages XI-3 
and XI-19) accordingly.