On page XI-3, House, add the following new rider: XX. Contingency Appropriation for HB 785. a. Contingent on the passage of HB 785 by the Eighty-first Legislature, Regular Session, or similar legislation relating to employment services for persons with disabilities, the Department of Aging and Disability Services is appropriated: 1) $129,770 in General Revenue Funds for fiscal year 2010 and $260,838 in General Revenue Funds for fiscal year 2011, and 2) $395,049 in General Revenue Match for Medicaid for fiscal year 2010 and $649,264 in General Revenue Match for Medicaid for fiscal year 2011 for eliminating barriers to employment services for waiver clients and to provide training and technical assistance regarding the provision of employment services. In addition, contingent on the passage of such legislation, the "Number of Full-Time-Equivalents (FTE)" for the Department of Aging and Disabilities is hereby increased by 2 FTEs in fiscal year 2010 and by 2 FTEs in fiscal year 2011. b. Also, contingent on the passage of HB 785 by the Eighty-first Legislature, Regular Session, or similar legislation relating to employment services for persons with disabilities, the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services is appropriated $225,531 in General Revenue Funds for fiscal year 2010 and $114,077 in General Revenue Funds for fiscal year 2011 for system modifications, to process new applications from employment services providers and to approve applications from providers currently contracted with DADS or DARS by September 1, 2011. In addition, contingent on the passage of such legislation, the "Number of Full-Time-Equivalents (FTE)" for the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services is hereby increased by 2 FTEs in fiscal year 2010 and by 2 FTEs in fiscal year 2011.