Amend CSSB 1 (House committee printing) as follows:                          

(1)  Under the Article XI appropriations to the Department of 	Aging and Disability Services (page XI-3), add the following rider:
	____.  Reduce the Community-Based Alternatives Interest 
List.  In addition to other amounts appropriated to the Department 
of Aging and Disability Services by this Act that may be used for 
this purpose, an additional amount of $43,525,318 is appropriated 
to the department out of the general revenue fund for the state 
fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2009, for the purpose of 
reducing the number of persons on the interest list for the 
community-based alternatives (CBA) Medicaid waiver program by the 
same proportion as other large Medicaid waiver programs.
	(2)  Adjust the article subtotal and grand total (pages XI-4 
and XI-19) accordingly.