Amend CSSB 1, under Article XI, Sec. 1, Article IX, on pages 
XI-18 and 19 by adding the following appropriately numbered rider:
	____.  Contingency Appropriation for HB 3598 - SB 1118 or 
similar legislation.  In addition to the amounts in Strategy A.1.1, 
Basic Supervision, contingent on enactment of SB 1118, or similar 
legislation, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) shall 
expend an additional $1 Million in fiscal year 2010 and $1 Million 
in 2011 as well as the necessary additional FTE's for the purpose of 
establishing a FRESH START program comprising active GPS monitoring 
and aftercare treatment program, mandating courts to place 
offenders meeting the sentencing criteria listed contingent on 
enactment of SB 1118, or similar legislation, who would have 
otherwise been sentenced to incarceration, be placed in a FRESH 
START program as defined in HB 3598 - SB 1118 or similar legislation 
for a period of not less than 18 months.