Amend CSSB 1 in Article XI on the bill, as follows: Contingent on the passage of HB 2853 or similar legislation, on page VI-42, rider #7 Unexpended Balance and Estimated Appropriation Authority: Oil Field Cleanup Account is changed to read as follows: Included in amounts appropriated above in fiscal year 2010 is an amount not to exceed $1,648,770 in Strategy C.2.1, Oil and Gas Remediation, and an amount not to exceed $6,595,081 in Strategy C.2.2, Oil and Gas Well Plugging, in balances remaining in the Oil Field Cleanup Account No. 145 as of August 31, 2009. The agency shall use these funds to carry out duties authorized by Natural Resources Code, Subchapter D, Chapter 91. In addition to amounts appropriated above, there is hereby appropriated to the Railroad Commission for the biennium beginning on September 1, 2009, an amount not to exceed $10,000,000 in revenues received in the Oil Field Cleanup Account No. 145 in excess of the Comptroller's Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) for 2010-2011. Of the amounts received in excess of the BRE, after adjusted for the passage of HB 2853 or similar legislation, the first $991,762 in FY 2010 and the first $917,225 in FY 2011 shall be used to increase staffing in the oil and gas field operations and technical permitting programs in an attempt to reduce permitting times and prevent permitting backlogs. In addition, the number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) for the Railroad Commission is hereby increased by 21.0 in each fiscal year of the 2010-11 biennium. These positions shall be filled only in the event that revenues exceed the BRE for 2010-11 and shall be used to reduce permitting times and to prevent permitting backlogs.