Amend CSSB 1 as follows:                                                     
	Contingency Rider for TDCJ Academic/Vocational Training.  
Contingent upon a determination by the Texas Department of Criminal 
Justice that an increase in general revenue used to expand 
participation in education programs funded by Strategy C.2.2 
Academic/Vocational Training under the department will be offset by 
savings resulting from a reduction in prison population due to a 
reduction in the rate of recidivism, the department may increase 
the amounts appropriated above to Strategy C.2.2 
Academic/Vocational Training under the Texas Department of 
Criminal Justice by an amount not to exceed $1,450,000 in Fiscal 
Year 2010 and $1,450,000 in Fiscal Year 2011 out of funds otherwise 
appropriated to the department. Preference for participation in the 
programs funded by this strategy shall be given to inmates who will 
be released during the 2010-2011 biennium and who can complete a 
degree or certificate program prior to release.  The department 
shall conduct a study during FY2010 and FY2011 comparing recidivism 
of participants in these programs to recidivism in the general 
prison population and the degree to which the programs can be 
further expanded in a manner that the savings from reduced demand 
for prison capacity equal or exceed the costs of the expansion.