Amend CSSB 1 as follows:                                                     

(1)  Add the following appropriately numbered rider 	following the Article II appropriations to the Department of Aging 
and Disability Services:
	____.  Contingent Appropriation: LifeSpan Respite Services 
Program.  Contingent on HB 802, Acts of the 81st Legislature, 
Regular Session, 2009, or similar legislation related to a lifespan 
respite services program to provide respite services to certain 
persons who do not qualify for respite services under other 
programs being enacted and becoming law:
		(1)  the amounts of $700,000 for the state fiscal year 
ending August 31, 2010, and $700,000 for the state fiscal year 
ending August 31, 2011, are appropriated out of the general revenue 
fund to the Department of Aging and Disability Services for the 
purposes of that legislation; and
		(2)  the Article II appropriations to the Health and 
Human Services Commission for Strategy H.1.2, Increase Capacity 
- Community Services (page II-73), are reduced by $700,000 for the 
state fiscal year ending August 31, 2010, and by $700,000 for the 
state fiscal year ending August 31, 2011.
	(2)  In Article XI of the bill, in the Article II items 
relating to the Department of Aging and Disability Services (page 
XI-3), strike the item entitled "Rider: LifeSpan Respite Care" and 
the associated amount of $1.4 million.
	(3)  Adjust totals and methods of financing appropriately.