Amend Amendment No. 407 by Martinez to CSSB 1 (page 437 of the 
prefiled amendments packet) by striking the text of the amendment 
and substituting the following:
	Amend CSSB 1 in Article XI of the bill following the 
appropriations to the Commission on State Emergency Communications 
(page XI-1) by adding the following appropriately numbered rider:
	____  Construction of Dispatch Center in Weslaco, Texas. To 
the extent provided by law, in addition to the funds appropriated 
above, the amount of $1,250,000 is appropriated  to the Commission 
on State Emergency Communications from the 9-1-1 Service Fees 
General Revenue-Dedicated Account No. 5050 for the fiscal year 
ending August 31, 2010 for the purpose of making a grant to the 
Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council to construct an 
emergency dispatch center in Hidalgo County and procure 9-1-1 and 
emergency dispatch equipment, pursuant to Section 771.0751, Health 
and Safety Code.