Amend Amendment No. 422 to CSSB 1 by Burnam (page 455 of the 
pre-filed amendments packet) as follows:
	(1) Strike the text on lines 1-4 of the amendment and 
substitute the following:
	Amend CSSB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:                            
	(1) On page XII-1 (Trusteed Programs Within the Office of the 
Governor), insert the following appropriately numbered rider and 
renumber any subsequent riders accordingly:
	(2) On line 8, strike the period at the end of the amendment 
and substitute ", to the extent permitted by federal law and 
	(3) At the end of the amendment, add the following:                            
	(2) Following the Article XI appropriations to the Department 
of Public Safety of the State of Texas (page XI-14), insert the 
following appropriately numbered rider and renumber any subsequent 
riders accordingly:
for SB 1529.  Contingent on the enactment of SB 1529 or similar 
legislation by the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, 
relating to criminal asset forfeiture, the disposition of proceeds 
and property from criminal asset forfeiture, and accountability for 
that disposition, any amount in excess of $100,000 that is 
deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue 
fund under Chapter 59, Code of Criminal Procedure, shall be 
appropriated to the Governor's Division of Emergency Management in 
Strategy D.1.5, Local Border Security (page V-41), in the 
Department of Public Safety's bill pattern.