Amend CSSB 16 (Senate committee printing) by striking SECTION
3.02 of the bill (page 6, lines 51 and 52), and substituting:
SECTION 3.02. Section 382.220(d), Health and Safety Code,
is amended to read as follows:
(d) Fees collected under Sections 382.202 and 382.302 may be
used, in an amount not to exceed $5 million per fiscal year, for
projects described by Subsection (b). The fees shall be made
available only to counties participating in the low-income vehicle
repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement
programs created under Section 382.209 [and only on a matching
basis, whereby the commission provides money to a county in the same
amount that the county dedicates to a project authorized by
Subsection (b)].