Amend SB 93 (house committee report) in SECTION 1 of the bill
as follows:
(1) In amended Section 54.203(a)(3), Education Code (page
2, line 11), strike "and" and substitute "[and]".
(2) At the end of Section 54.203(a)(4)(G), Education Code
(page 3, line 4), between "federal law" and the period, insert the
; and
(5) all persons who:
(A) were honorably discharged from the Texas
State Guard after serving on active duty in the Texas State Guard by
call or order of the governor under Section 431.053, Government
Code, excluding training, for a cumulative period of more than 90
days; and
(B) served a portion of the active duty described
by Paragraph (A) on or after September 1, 1971