Amend Floor Amendment No. 1 (floor substitute) by 
Representative Branch to CSSB 175, in SECTION 1 of the bill, as 
	(1)  In the recital (page 1, lines 4 and 5), strike 
"Subsections (a-1), (a-2), and (g)" and substitute "Subsections 
(a-1), (a-2), (a-3), and (g)".
	(2)  Immediately following added Section 51.803(a-2), 
Education Code (page 4, between lines 2 and 3), insert the 
	(a-3)  The legislature finds that male residents of this 
state who are of African descent are far more underrepresented 
among students enrolled in this state's public universities than 
any other identifiable group as compared to the percentage of the 
population of this state who are males of African descent, and that 
that underrepresentation is the result in substantial part of this 
state's historical discriminatory practices, including inequities 
in the allocation and availability of public educational resources. 
The legislature also finds that the admissions policy prescribed by 
this subsection is narrowly tailored to further the state's 
compelling interest in redressing that underrepresentation and 
achieving appropriate diversity among the students attending 
public universities in this state.  Notwithstanding Subsection 
(a-1), for an academic year for which an institution offers 
admission to first-time resident undergraduate students under that 
subsection, the institution shall offer admission to each applicant 
for admission for that academic year as a first-time resident 
undergraduate students who is qualified for automatic admission to 
a general academic teaching institution under Subsection (a) and 
who is a male of African descent, as indicated on the person's 
admission application.