Amend Floor Amendment No. 1 (floor substitute) by 
Representative Branch to CSSB 175, by adding the following 
appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill, and renumbering 
subsequent SECTIONS appropriately:
	SECTION ____. Section 33.007, Education Code, is amended by 
adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
	(c) Each school year a counselor at each high school, 
including an open-enrollment charter school high school, shall 
provide an informational session for students who are ranked in the 
top 20 percent of the school's sophomore or junior class according 
to grade point average.  The informational session must include 
discussion of:
		(1) the requirements of Section 51.803 for automatic 
admission to general academic teaching institutions;
		(2) the name of each general academic teaching 
institution to which Section 51.803 applies; and
		(3) resources for finding further information on 
applying to the institutions named under Subdivision (2).