Amend Floor Amendment No. 1 (floor substitute) by 
Representative Branch to CSSB 175 by inserting into the bill the 
following appropriately numbered SECTION and renumbering 
subsequent SECTIONS of the bill to read as follows:
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, is 
amended by adding Section 61.07622 to read as follows:
board shall develop a plan under which each public high school in 
this state that is, as determined by the board in accordance with 
board rule, substantially below the state average in the number of 
graduates who attend public or private or independent institutions 
of higher education is required to:
		(1)  provide to prospective students information 
related to enrollment in public or private or independent 
institutions of higher education, including admissions and 
financial aid information; and
		(2)  assist those prospective students in completing                   

applications related to enrollment in those institutions, 
including admissions and financial aid applications.