Amend Floor Amendment No. 1 (floor substitute) by 
Representative Branch to CSSB 175, in SECTION 1 of the bill, as 
	(1)  In the recital (page 1, lines 4 and 5), strike 
"Subsections (a-1), (a-2), and (g)" and substitute "Subsections 
(a-1), (a-2), (a-3), and (g)".
	(2)  Immediately following added Section 51.803(a-2), 
Education Code (page 4, between lines 2 and 3), insert the 
	(a-3)  Not later than December 31 of each academic year in 
which The University of Texas at Austin offers admission under 
Subsection (a-1), the university shall deliver a written report to 
the governor, the lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of 
representatives regarding the university's progress in each of the 
following matters:
		(1)  increasing geographic diversity of the entering 
freshman class; 
		(2)  counseling and outreach efforts aimed at students 
qualified for automatic admission under this section;
		(3)  recruiting Texas residents who graduate from other 
institutions of higher education to the university's graduate and 
professional degree programs;
		(4)  recruiting students who are members of 
underrepresented demographic segments of the state's population;
		(5)  increasing campus capacity and class size as 
necessary to facilitate the enrollment of a diverse undergraduate 
student population; and
		(6)  assessing and improving the university's regional 
recruitment centers.