Amend SB 175 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                         
	(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike added Subsection (a-1), 
Section 51.803, Education Code (page 1, line 42 through page 2, line 
1), and substitute the following:
	(a-1)  Beginning with admissions for the 2010-2011 academic 
year, a general academic teaching institution is not required to 
admit under Subsection (a) more than 60 percent of the 
institution's first-time resident undergraduate students in an 
academic year.  If the number of applicants who qualify for 
automatic admission to a general academic teaching institution 
under Subsection (a) exceeds 60 percent of the institution's 
enrollment capacity designated for first-time resident 
undergraduate students, the institution may elect to offer 
admission to those applicants as provided by this subsection and 
not as otherwise required by Subsection (a).  If the institution 
elects to offer admission under this subsection, the institution 
shall offer admission to those applicants by percentile rank 
according to class standing based on grade point average, beginning 
with the top percentile rank, until the applicants qualified under 
Subsection (a) have been offered admission in the number estimated 
in good faith by the institution as sufficient to fill 50 percent of 
the institution's enrollment capacity designated for first-time 
resident undergraduate students, except that the institution must 
offer admission to all applicants with the same percentile rank.  In 
addition to those admissions, until applicants qualified under 
Subsection (a) have been offered admission in the number estimated 
in good faith by the institution as sufficient to fill 60 percent of 
the designated enrollment capacity described by this subsection, 
the institution shall offer to applicants qualified for automatic 
admission under Subsection (a) admission in the same manner as 
other applicants for admission as first-time undergraduate 
students in accordance with Section 51.805, except that the 
institution may not consider applicants other than those applicants 
qualified under Subsection (a).  After the applicants qualified for 
automatic admission under Subsection (a) have been offered 
admission under this subsection in the number estimated in good 
faith as sufficient to fill 60 percent of the designated enrollment 
capacity described by this subsection, the institution shall 
consider any remaining applicants qualified for automatic 
admission under Subsection (a) in the same manner as other 
applicants for admission as first-time undergraduate students in 
accordance with Section 51.805.
	(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (a-2), 
Section 51.803, Education Code (page 2, line 12), strike "50" and 
substitute "60".
	(3)  Strike SECTION 3 of the bill (page 2, lines 55-61) and 
renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.