Amend Floor Amendment No. 5 to SB 175 as follows:                            
	(1)  In Sec. 56.484, by striking Subsection (3).                               
	(2)  By striking the proposed Sec. 56.485(a), and 
substituting to read as follows:
Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), the amount of a 
scholarship for each semester or other academic term in which an 
eligible student is enrolled at an institution of higher education 
is the amount not to exceed the student's tuition.  The board shall 
issue to each eligible student a certificate indicating the amount 
of the scholarship awarded to the student.
	(3)  By striking Section 56.485(c) and substituting the 
	(c)  The legislature shall account in the General 
Appropriations Act for the exemptions authorized by Subsection 
56.485(a) in a way that provides a corresponding increase in the 
general revenue funds appropriated to the institution.
	(4)  In Sec. 56.487, by striking Subsection (1).                               
	(5)  In Sec. 56.489, subsection (a)(2) after "performance" 
and before "." inserting the following:

or any other cause deemed acceptable by the public institution of 
higher learning or the coordinating board