Amend CSSB 545 by adding the following section to the bill, numbered appropriately, and by renumbering subsequent sections of the bill accordingly: SECTION ____. Subchapter Z, Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is amended by adding Section 39.929 to read as follows: Sec. 39.929. INFORMATION ON INTERNET REGARDING PURCHASE OF SURPLUS ELECTRICITY PRODUCED BY DISTRIBUTED SOLAR GENERATION. (a) In this section: (1) "Distributed solar generation" means distributed renewable generation, as defined by Section 39.916, using solar energy technology. (2) "Owner of distributed solar generation" includes a retail electric customer who contracts with another person to install or maintain distributed solar generation on the customer's side of the meter, regardless of whether the customer takes ownership of the installed distributed solar generation. (3) "Surplus electricity" means electricity generated by distributed solar generation that is not consumed at the place the distributed solar generation is installed but flows onto the electric distribution system. (b) On the Internet website found at, the commission shall provide for access to easily comparable information regarding retail electric providers' offers to owners of distributed solar generation owners for their surplus electricity, including information regarding their contract terms, for each retail electric provider using that website. (c) On the Internet website found at, the commission shall provide for access to easily comparable information regarding offers of renewable energy credit marketers to owners of distributed solar generation, for each renewable energy credit marketer using that website. (d) The commission by rule shall require electric utilities, electric cooperatives, and retail electric providers to provide on publicly accessible Internet websites information on purchase price offers per kilowatt hour for surplus electricity and information instructing customers with distributed solar generation on how to request and obtain the purchase rates offered.