Amend SB 654 on third reading as follows:                                    
	(1)  Strike the SECTION of the bill that adds Section 
175.0015, Local Government Code, as added by Amendment No. 2 by 
	(2)  In the recital to the SECTION of the bill that amends 
Section 175.002, Local Government Code, strike "Section 175.002, 
Local Government Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a) and 
(b) and adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2)" and substitute 
"Subsections (a) and (b), Section 175.002, Local Government Code, 
are amended".
	(3)  In amended Section 175.002(a), Local Government Code, 
strike "Except as provided by Subsection (a-1) and (a-2), the
[The]" and substitute "The".
	(4)  In amended Section 175.002, Local Government Code, 
strike Subsections (a-1) and (a-2), as added by Amendment No. 2 by 
	(5)  In amended Section 175.003(b), Local Government Code, 
strike "is:
		(1)  for persons other than early retirees who do not 
choose to use the early retiree health benefits coverage provided 
under Section 175.002(a-1), the same level of coverage provided to 
current employees of the political subdivision [county or 
municipality] at that time; and
		(2)  for early retirees, a level of coverage that is 
comparable to the level of coverage provided to active employees of 
the political subdivision, as determined by the governing body of 
the political subdivision for each enrollment period.
	(b-1)  For purposes of Subsection (b)(2), "comparable" means 
the health benefits defined in the contract and summary plan 
description do not limit the choices of the person or the person's 
health care provider in any way that is not also limited for active 
employees." and substitute the following:
	"is the same level of coverage provided to current employees 
of the political subdivision [county or municipality] at that 
	(6)  Strike the following provision as added by Amendment No. 
2 by Guillen:  
	(c)  Sections 175.002 and 175.003, Local Government Code, as 
amended by this Act, apply to a person who retires from county or 
municipal employment regardless of the date on which the person 