Amend SB 911 (house committee printing) in SECTION 1 of the 
bill as follows:
	(1)  At the end of proposed Section 167.002(6), Occupations 
Code (page 2, line 1), strike "or".
	(2)  At the end of proposed Section 167.002(7), Occupations 
Code (page 2, line 5), strike "patients." and substitute "patients; 
	(3)  Immediately following proposed Section 167.002(7), 
Occupations Code (page 2, between lines 5 and 6), insert the 
		(8)  a clinic owned or operated by an advanced practice 
nurse licensed in this state who treats patients in the nurse's area 
of specialty and uses other forms of treatment with the issuance of 
a prescription for a majority of the patients.