Amend Amendment No. 12 by Legler to CSSB 1569 by striking the 
text of the amendment and substituting the following:
	(1)  In SECTION 9(c)(3) of the bill (page 11, line 15), 
strike "and".        
	(2)  In SECTION 9(c)(4) of the bill (page 11, line 20), 
strike the period and substitute ";and".
	(3)  In SECTION 9(c) of the bill, immediately following 
SECTION 9(c)(4) (page 11, between lines 20 and 21), insert:
		(5)  examine the advantages and disadvantages of 
requiring each individual who files a claim for or receives 
benefits under Subtitle A, Title 4, Labor Code, to submit to drug 