Amend CSSB 1714 (committee printing) as follows:                             
	(1)  On page 1, line 21 between "in" and "agriculture" insert 
"conservation in"
	(2)  On page 1, line 51 after "district" strike "and this 
state as established in the adopted state water plan, including any 
water management strategy dependent on use of the district's 
groundwater resources"
	(3)  On page 1, line 60 strike "dependent on a district's 
groundwater resources to meet a water management strategy 
identified in the adopted state water plan" and substitute "located 
in the management area"
	(4)  On page 2, line 54 after "area" strike "and this state as 
established by the adopted state water plan"
	(5)  On page 2, line 67 after "area" strike "to meet a water 
management strategy identified in the adopted state water plan"
	(6)  On page 3, line 21 after "group" strike "dependent on 
the groundwater resources"
	(7)  On page 3, line 23 after "adopted" strike "state" and 
substitute "regional"

	(8)  On page 3, line 33 between "of" and "beneficial" insert 
"an actual and reasonable"
	(9)  On page 3, line 34 strike all of Section 6 in its 
entirety and renumber subsequent sections accordingly.
	(10)  On page 3, line 65 after "district" strike "for 
municipal use unless the municipal use is established by a 
contractual obligation described by Section 36.001(28-a)(B)" and 
substitute "unless the applicant provides evidence of beneficial 
use as described by Section 36.001(28-a)"