Amend CSSB 2120 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                      
	(1)  In SECTION 6 of the bill, in amended Section 36.1072(d), 
Water Code (page 3, line 29), strike "request" and substitute 
"recommend that".
	(2)  In SECTION 9 of the bill, in amended Section 36.1132(a), 
Water Code (page 5, line 56), between "of the" and "date" insert 
"later of the".
	(3)  In SECTION 9 of the bill, in amended Section 36.1132(a), 
Water Code (page 5, line 58), between "Section 36.108(d)" and the 
comma, insert "or the date that the districts receive the managed 
available groundwater amount from the executive administrator 
under Section 36.108(o)".