Amend Floor Amendment No. 1 to CSSB 2407, in proposed Sec. 
536.005, Gov't Code, as follows:
	(1)  In proposed Sec. 536.005(10), after "statutory 
amendment" strike "." and insert "; and"; and
	(2)  Insert new Sec. 536.005(11) to read as follows:                           
		(11)  consider the department's ability to reduce the 
number of state school residents, through census management, not 
closure, and limit the number of residents residing at each state 
school, without removing a state school resident from a state 
school against the resident's will or against the will of the 
resident's legally authorized guardian for the purpose of meeting 
any potential capacity limits, and without denying admission to a 
state school on the basis that the admission would cause the state 
school to exceed any potential capacity limit.